Sunday 31 January 2016


An Apostle of the Faith Evangelical Mission Worldwide, Alex Okla has challenged Christians to desist from moving from one church to the another in search for miracles.

 Preaching the sermon at the Mataheko  branch of the Faith Evangelical Mission Apostle Okla said Christians ought to stay in their church and pray to God to answer their prayers. "You must not roam churches in search of miracles instead pray and read the bible  and God will answer you" he stated. He warned Christians to be careful of false prophets.
"You can read the bible and prophecy into your life! Remember you can have what you say only if you have faith" he said.
Reading Romans 8:31 which says "If God be for us who can be against us" Apostle Okla noted that even though  God says nobody can be against Christians, they have a role to play in order to enjoy this privilege.  "If God blesses you don't fight over worldly things instead bless people with what you have in order to obtain  more blessings instead of enemies".  He indicated that  in overcoming ones enemy one needs to be righteous.
 He explained that Gods blessings is not all about worldly things but good health, peace among others.
Apostle OKla urged Christians to read the bible and be thankful to God at all times.

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