Monday 1 February 2016


There seems to be confusion between commercial drivers and passengers over the 15percent increase of transport fares.  Drivers has added 20 persewaas to the fares since the increase was announced yesterday by transport operators. From the passengers point of view, the drivers ought to add 15persewaas to the fare and not 20persewaas. The drivers also claim they do not have 5 persewaas change for passengers.

In early January this year, prices of petroleum products went by between 27 and 30 percent after government imposed a new tax on the products under an Energy Levy. The Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council (GRTCC) has justified the increase on the fuel price hikes announced in January. The Council also added popular reasons it usually gives for hikes in fares. It explained the cost of spare parts and charges for obtaining licenses and various documents have been factored into the 15% increase. Road tolls which are expected to go up later in the year has also been factored into the increase.  <br>
So what is the actual amount added to the fares? 

Is it 20 or 15 persewaas? The Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council, GPRTU  And other stakeholders in the transport sector must come out with the amount drivers are supposed to add to the fares. This will prevent them from taking more than they should. The Bank of Ghana must also pump more 5 persewaas in the system in order for drivers not to have any excuse of charging 20 persewaas instead of 15persewaas.

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