Saturday 9 January 2016


 The Fire Service has attributed the recent spate of fire incidents across the country to the harmattan dry winds and negligence.
Deputy Public Relations Officer of  the Ghana Fire Service  Prince Billy Anaglatey says the dry winds have taken the moisture content from combustible materials which make them susceptible to fire outbreaks."The slightest heat source on these materials could provoke fires," he said.
There have been a number of fire outbreaks across the country with just a week into the new year.
Wednesday night , the Kumasi Central market, which is notorious for fire outbreaks, was up in flames with reports of heavy losses to traders.
On Friday, the Achimota Forest in Accra as well as the Amanfrom Sanctuary in Bono Ahafo were also up in flames.
There have been several others in other parts of the country. These fires have happened at a time the harmattan has intensified.
Billy Anaglatey who has been campaigning for education on fire issues said a lot has to be done to reduce if not prevent the fires. While admitting that the strong dry winds is playing a role in the fire, he said a lot of education is needed to ameliorate the situation.
Meanwhile, he Chief Fire Officer, Dr. Albert Brown-Gaisie, has bemoaned the tendency for people to negligently cause fire outbreak and turn to government for support.
He said despite on-going public education, Ghanaians continue to flout fire safety regulations with impunity.
Dr. Brown-Gaisie registered his displeasure when he visited the Kumasi Central Market to sympathize with traders who lost their property in Wednesday’s fire that destroyed over 100 shops.  He says the fire incidents is becoming one too many, in the face of intensified public sensitization.
Meanwhile, Dr. Brown Gaisie says investigation into the cause of the Central Market Fire is on-going, as he calls for stakeholder collaboration in the fight against fires.

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