Wednesday 27 January 2016


A National Data Centre to facilitate the efficient delivery of government services and serve the private sector has been launched in Accra.The primary national data centre is situated in Accra, while a secondary centre is sited at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) campus in Kumasi.

The centres are being managed by the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) and its Partners-Alcatel Lucent and Huawei Technologies, Ghana (HTG), on behalf of the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

Lauching the data centre, Minister of Communication, Dr Edward Omane Boamah said by managing the centres, the NITA and its partners will relieve the MDAs of the burden of hosting their own applications and allow them to concentrate on their core businesses, also the MDAs will be provided with email, antivirus, document management systems initially from the data centre and given more of such utility applications over time, to ensure structured and simplified work flow between and among them.

Dr Omane Boaman noted that the centre will house several racks of computing equipment, including high performance servers, fibre channel disk strorage, backup storage systems and sufficient power conditioning and resources to keep the data centre running.

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