Monday 18 January 2016


Today marks the second anniversary of  Komla Dumor.  One of Ghan best known journalists, Mr Dumor joined the BBC in 2007 after a decade of working in broadcast journalism in his native Ghana, where he had won the Ghana Journalist of the Year award. Mr Dumor, who was born in Accra, Ghana, in 1972 hosted Network Africa for the BBC World Service between 2007 and 2009 before joining The World Today programme.
 In 2009 he became the first host of Africa Business Report on BBC World News. He was named one of New African 100 most influential Africans in 2013.
Dumor died on 18 January 2014 in his London home after a cardiac arrest, having been on air the day before. On 3 February 2014 Komla Dumor's body was flown back to Ghana, where it was received at Kotoka International Airport by a group of family members, friends, government officials, sympathizers and members of the Aflao traditional council, who also performed some traditional rites, since Aflao was his hometown.
 Funeral ceremonies for Dumor were held from 21–23 February 2014 in Accra.
"Komla's many friends and colleagues across Africa and the world will be as devastated as we are by this shocking news" said Director of BBC Global News, Peter Horrocks.  President of Ghana John Mahama said in a message on Twitter that Dumor was one of Ghana's and finest ambassadors and & was a broadcaster of exceptional quality and Ghana's gift to the world.
 Komla was a leading light of African journalism - committed to telling the story of Africa as it really is. Africa's energy and enthusiasm seemed to shine through every story Komla told.

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