Sunday 17 January 2016


Christians have been challenged to give out their  best wherever they find themselves. Delivering a sermon at the Mataheko branch of the church,   Founder of  the Faith Evangelical Mission Worldwide  Chief Bishop Isaac Rex Noi said Ghanaians  particularly  christians ought to  do the work of God wholeheartedly  in order to attract and receive the blessings of God. "We should not be shy to do God's work be it ushering, singing,  preaching among others" he noted.
Chief Bishop Rex Noi indicated that people who feel shy to sing, dance or even raise thier hands to worship will miss the blessings of God. "God created you to worship him so you must let everything within praise Him"he added.   The founder also bemoaned the manner in which Christians use their left hand in church. "It is wrong to use your left hand in putting money in the offering bowl! It's an insult" he stated.

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