Thursday 7 January 2016


President John Dramani Mahama has reviewed a ceremony to handover the guard duties at the seat of
government, the Flagstaff House, from the Ghana Army to the Navy. This is part of activities to mark his third Anniversary since he was sworn-in. The Ghana Army has kept guard at the Presidency since the last quarter of last year. The change in guard, the first for 2016 coincided with the third anniversary of President John Mahama's term in office. The change is similar to what pertains at the Buckingham palace in the United Kingdom. The change of guard at the presidency, initiated by President John Mahama in May 2013, rotates security duties among the three arms of the Ghana Armed Forces- the Army, Navy and the Air Force. Marking his 3rdyear in office as President of Ghana, John Mahama arrived through the ceremonial gate and took the National Salute and inspected the parade. He then proceeded to the dais to review the ceremony which had a splendid band display , Drill display by both the old and new guards. President Mahama, will later spend the day with some rice farmers at Akuse in the Eastern region. It was a colourful ceremony at the forecourt of the Flagstaff House, and watched by many including the Vice President Kwesi Amissah- Arthur, Chief Justice her Ladyship Theodora Wood, Speaker of Parliament Edward Doe Adjaho, Chief of the Defence Staff Air Vice Marshall Samson Oje and other Service Commanders,Ministers of state, Presidential Staffer and School Children. President Mahama later departed Accra for Akuse in the Eastern Region where he is expected to spend the day on the farm with some rice farmers. Last year, President Mahama, marked his second by spending time with a young cocoa farmer in the Central region. The move is part of governments agenda to encourage Agriculture to cut down on the country's huge import debt.

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