Thursday 21 January 2016


Deputy Power Miniter, John Jinapor says the power outage experienced in  most parts of the country  thursday morning is not as a result of a total systems collapse But due to some temporal faultI.
His comments correct earlier report that the blackout was as a result of total system collapse.  In Accra, the incident happened around 5:24 am.  Later it was communicated that Tema was also off, after which GRIDCO systems control centre
About 8:30am the problem was resolved and the lights came back .

Meanwhile, the Load Shedding Committee last week announced that the country has not witnessed any load shedding in the last one month and is enjoying power supply in excess of about 6%.
The Chairman of the Load shedding Management Committee and CEO of the Gahan Grid Network (GRIDCO) William Amuna, attributed the achievement to the coming on stream of a number of power generation plants. “I’d want to confirm here that close to a month now, we have not called for any load to be shed in the country.
Normally, GRIDCO would have to make a study, look at the demand and supply situation and inform the load management committee, then ECG will be called upon to execute the load that will be shed. But I’m happy to say that close to a month now the document GRIDCO sends to the load management committee indicates load shedding; zero for ECG, zero for NEDCO and zero for industry which means that we are not shedding load at all,” he remarked.

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