Wednesday 6 January 2016


An Islamic court has sentenced a Nigerian cleric to death by hanging for insulting the Prophet Muhammad in the northern city of Kano. Abdulazeez Dauda, popularly known as Abdul Inyass, was convicted after a trial held in secret to avoid protests. Mr Inyass is a preacher at a local faction of the Tijaniya sect, founded in Senegal by Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse was reported to have said that "Niasse was bigger than Prophet Muhammad" during a lecture at an event in May, leading to violent protests in the city. He then fled to the capital, Abuja, and nine of his followers were arrested for their alleged part in organising the event. When they were arraigned in court, there were further clashes and the courthouse was set on fire. Four of the followers were then acquitted and the five sentenced to death are appealing against their conviction at the state's high court. Mr Inyass, whose five-month trial was held in secret for security reasons, will also be able to appeal against the verdict at a the high court.Kano has a predominately Muslim population and Islamic courts operate alongside secular courts.

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