Monday 18 January 2016


The Public Accounts Committee will today resume public hearing. Failure by treasury officers to transfer allocations to the consolidated fund after close of accounts for a financial year will engage the attention of the Public Accounts Committee today. The Committee will look into audited accounts of Ministries, Departments and Agencies spanning the period 2011 to 2013.
Chairman of the public accounts committee, Kwaku Agyemang Manu told Joy News they will demand explanation from the officers responsible for the clear violation of the financial administrative act. “Because the report has been presented to us for some time now, our expectations is such that the type of recommendations the Auditor General made should have been responded to, and we are expecting almost all of them may have been worked on. “So when we begin sitting tomorrow (Monday) we will be looking at what has actually been done on those findings and the recommendations up to date. If we find some of them outstanding we will be exploring more.”
Mr Manu said the Committee does not anticipate to make any recommendations that will take anybody to court yet but “it will depend on the supplementary responses and questions that will come.”

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