Sunday 31 January 2016


An Apostle of the Faith Evangelical Mission Worldwide, Alex Okla has challenged Christians to desist from moving from one church to the another in search for miracles.

 Preaching the sermon at the Mataheko  branch of the Faith Evangelical Mission Apostle Okla said Christians ought to stay in their church and pray to God to answer their prayers. "You must not roam churches in search of miracles instead pray and read the bible  and God will answer you" he stated. He warned Christians to be careful of false prophets.
"You can read the bible and prophecy into your life! Remember you can have what you say only if you have faith" he said.
Reading Romans 8:31 which says "If God be for us who can be against us" Apostle Okla noted that even though  God says nobody can be against Christians, they have a role to play in order to enjoy this privilege.  "If God blesses you don't fight over worldly things instead bless people with what you have in order to obtain  more blessings instead of enemies".  He indicated that  in overcoming ones enemy one needs to be righteous.
 He explained that Gods blessings is not all about worldly things but good health, peace among others.
Apostle OKla urged Christians to read the bible and be thankful to God at all times.

Saturday 30 January 2016


People nowadays are reluctant to check their blood pressure even though it is the leading cause of death and morbidity in adults. The World Health Organization highlighted in its recent global burden of the disease study that increased blood pressure is the leading risk for death  and disability globally.  One of the major barriers to effective control of high blood pressure  ( hypertension ) is simply that people are not aware their blood pressure is high or even have knowledge on the disease.  So let's  learn more about the disease and how to keep ourselves from getting it.

High blood pressure  which is also known as hypertension is defined as high pressure (tension) in the arteries, which are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Blood pressure readings are given as two numbers. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80.  Blood pressure between 139/89 is called pre-hypertension and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high while a systolic blood pressure of about 90 to 100 is considered low blood pressure.

So what causes hypertension? There are several factors whose combined effects produce hypertension.They include:
 High salt intake or salt sensitivity.  This occurs in certain populations such as the elderly, African Americans, people who are obese, or people with kidney (renal) problems.
Genetic predisposition to high blood pressure: People who have one or two parents with hypertension have high blood pressure incidence about twice as high as the general population.
 A particular abnormality of the arteries, which results in an increased resistance (stiffness or lack of elasticity) in the tiny arteries (arterioles): This increased peripheral arteriolar stiffness develops in individuals who are also obese, do not exercise, have high salt intake, and are older.

How do you know you have hypertension;
High blood pressure may not have any symptoms and so hypertension has been labeled the silent killer. Some people experience symptoms with their high blood pressure. These symptoms include: Headache Dizziness Shortness of breath Blurred vision Feeling of pulsations in the neck or head Nausea.

What are the potential risks and complications of untreated high blood pressure?
Complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to the organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of developing:
Heart disease: Increased workload on the heart from pushing against the high blood pressure can cause enlargement of the heart muscle, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and cardiac arrhythmias.
Kidney disease: High blood pressure damages the filtration system within the kidneys causing proteins to spill out into the urine. These proteins cause further damage to the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure. Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis): Increased pressure through the arteries and arterioles causes damage to the inner walls of the blood vessels, resulting in hardened arteries. Increased risk of aneurysms: Increased pressure can also cause stretching or dilation of the blood vessels, which can result in aneurysms.
 Eye damage: The sensitive tissues within the eyes are prone to damage from high blood pressure. Stroke: Both the hardening of the arteries and the dilation of the blood vessels due to high blood pressure can lead to strokes.

The good news about Hypertension is that it can be treated.  The goal of treating high blood pressure is to keep the blood pressure below 140/90. Treatments for high blood pressure include: Lifestyle modifications: Quit smoking Lose weight Exercise:
Exercise helps lower blood pressure by helping you lose weight and keeping your heart and blood vessels in good condition. Weight loss achieved through diet and exercise helps control factors such as blood sugar, and other complications of obesity. Avoiding these complications helps lower blood pressure. Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Activities including walking, jogging, biking, or swimming for 30 to 45 minutes per day can help lower blood pressure.

complementary and alternative medicine strategies can help you manage your high blood pressure. Reduce stress. Use relaxation methods such as deep breathing, imagery relaxation, yoga, meditation, and biofeedback. Keep a daily blood pressure chart. Get adequate sleep. Some home remedies, such as garlic, coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10), calcium, magnesium, fish oil, and flaxseed have been shown in studies to lower blood pressure.

As we have learnt about high blood pressure, lets all do our best to stay away from things that causes it.  If we already have it lets do our best to lower it. Don't forget to visit health facilities to check your blood pressure.
Your family needs you and Ghana needs you.  Save your life now.

Thursday 28 January 2016


Ivory Coast's ex-President Laurent Gbagbo has denied charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, as his landmark trial began at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The charges relate to the country's civil conflict that erupted after Mr Gbagbo lost elections in 2010.
Prosecutors accuse him of orchestrating a "campaign of violence".

Mr Gbagbo, 70, and ex-militia leader Charles Ble Goude, 44, deny murder, rape, attempted murder and persecution.
The trial at the court in The Hague, in the Netherlands, could last three or four years.


Ghana’s quest to generate 10% of its energy source from renewable energy and create a base for increasing the generation capacity appear to be on course after a private company located in the Central Region commenced injecting about 20mw into the National Grid. This came to light after Deputy Minister for Power John Jinapor paid a working visit to the 20MW Solar plant in Gomoa Onyandze in the Central Region to acquaint himself with operations of the company.The30 million dollar solar plant which was constructed to provide 20 megawatts of power to augment the current power generation deficit in the country has been completed and feeding into the national grid. The project which began  in 2012 by BXC Ghana Limited; a subsidiary of BXC Beijing China under a Power Purchase Agreement(PPA) with the Electricity Company of Ghana is on a test transmission to be commissioned next month. 
The Deputy Minister commended the company for a successful completion of the project and assured of government’s continued support and encouragement in the renewable energy sector to augment power supply from hydro and thermal plants. 
He also noted that Ghana has an advantage in the renewable energy sector because “the country’s Solar radiation is fairly well distributed” he noted. 
Mr. Jinapor urged management of the company to consider making use of the remainder of the 400-acre land acquired to construct additional solar plants or invest in a wind farm, stating the Ministry’s readiness to assist the company in thatregard.The Deputy Minister further stated
that the government through the Ministry of Power was in the process of  developing another 20mw of Solar power through competitive tender. He assured that this will eventually  result in cheaper of generating energy. MrKevin Wu, Manager Director of the company was grateful to the Ministry for the support over the period and asked for continuous support to BXC and other investors inthe renewable energy sector to help address challenges in the sector.  According to Mr. Wu, the company has installed 80,480 pieces of poly crystalline siliconpanels with 20 step-up transformers to create the output voltage of invertorsto 33 kilo volts. He added that the project was solely funded by its mother company, Beijing Xiao Cheng E Tech Stock Ltd (BXC) without any government guarantee.

Wednesday 27 January 2016


Government has agreed to reduce electricity tariffs by 45% and 50% for lifeline consumers and vulnerable groups.

The relief will translate into the following rate:
0-50 = 45%
51-300= 50%

This means all consumers between the 0-50 band will have a 45% reduction in their electricity tariff while the 51-300 band will have 50% reduction.

Tariffs for all other consumption bands remain unchanged.

This was contained in the Memorandum of Understanding between government and Organised Labour on the electricity tariffs and energy sector levies issued on Wednesday.


 Government says it remains committed and has rededicated itself to the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP). 
It will also continue to strengthen the relevant state institutions and work with society win the war against corruption. Government's  statement comes after a report of the Corruption Perception Index by the Transparency International, an Anti Corruption Watchdog, ranked Ghana 56th out of 168 countries with a score of 47.
 The report also singled out Ghana and Senegal for praise on efforts made by the respective governments on one hand and social partners on the other to combat corruption.  In a statement signed by the Minister of Communications Omane Boamah, government commended all stakeholders who have contributed to this enviable feat.

Below is the full statement:
Government has taken note of the latest report of the Corruption Perception Index launched earlier today. The report ranks Ghana 56th out of 168 countries with a score of 47.
We acknowledge the singling out of Ghana and Senegal for praise in the report on efforts made by the respective governments on one hand and social partners on the other to combat the menace.
This report, arguably the most authoritative source of corruption surveys in the world, belies the spurious claims of certain media outlets a few months ago that Ghana had been ranked as the second most corrupt nation in Africa by Transparency International.
We note that though this performance is one point lower than that of 2014, it can be viewed within the context of the general performance of all countries. Ghana ranks 7th in Africa which means that apart from six African countries we performed better than all other countries on the continent and 112 countries worldwide.
Given that this is a perception survey, it stands to reason that the views expressed by respondents were based on perceptions about the subject in the year under review. It also stands to reason therefore that the intense media focus on the allegations of corruption in the Judiciary as well as the repetition of some obviously false allegations against government in 2015 contributed to the perception.
We are also mindful of the “paradox of exposure”- which creates a scenario where government’s efforts to expose and punish acts of wrongdoing such as the National Service Case, generates discussions among the populace creating a misleading impression of pervasive corruption when the opposite is in fact the case.
We nonetheless commit and rededicate ourselves to the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan(NACAP). We shall continue to strengthen the relevant state institutions and work with Civil Society to win the war against corruption. We commend all stakeholders who have genuinely contributed to this enviable feat as proclaimed by Transparency International.

Edward K. Omane Boamah (Dr)
(Communications Minister)


 The Electoral Commission has refuted media reports that the EC has registered new political parties.  A statement signed by the Acting Director of Public Affairs of the EC, says  contrary to

reports in the media, the Commission has not registered any political parties this year.

The statement noted “The Commission further wishes to clarify that persons who apply for registration of political parties have several requirements which must be met under the Political
Parties Act 2000 (Act 574). Until these requirements have been met and a party
has been issued with a final registration certificate, the party seeking registration
cannot conduct its activities as a political party”.

The Commission advised and reminded applicants that it is against
the provisions of Act 574 to canvass for votes until the party has been issued with
a final registration certificate. 
“We trust that political actors and the general public will be guided accordingly” the EC stated.