Thursday 4 February 2016


 World leaders have opened a donor conference in London with an urgent plea for billions of pounds in aid for refugees from war-torn Syria.
"There is a critical shortfall in life-saving aid," said UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
Germany pledged €2.3bn (£1.7bn) and the UK £1.2bn in extra aid for refugees.
However, the conference has been overshadowed by the suspension of peace talks in Geneva on Wednesday, and intense fighting on the ground. A Syrian government offensive, backed by Russian air strikes, is continuing north of Aleppo.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said an estimated 70,000 Syrians fleeing the bombing were moving towards Turkey.
The goal of the donor conference is to raise £6.2bn ($9bn; €8.3bn) for Syrian refugees.
Mr Cameron and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon both spoke of the need to get all Syrian refugee children into education within months.
Sixty countries are represented at the conference, including 30 world leaders.
It is the fourth of its kind, focusing on education and jobs for the 4.6 million Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries. Turkey is hosting 2.5 million - the largest number.

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