Saturday 13 February 2016


President John Dramani Mahama has arrived in Tehran for talks with President Hassan Rouhani. 
He will be officially welcomed to the Sa'd Abad Palace by President Rouhani on Sunday morning to be following by bilateral talks and a press conference. 

President Mahama will also meet the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Speaker of the Majlis before addressing a business forum and tour a power plant. President Mahama who is on a State Visit to was welcomed at the Mehrabad International Airport by the Iranian Minister for Agriculture, Mahmoud Hojjati.

 Ghana and Iran have a long standing relationship as members of the Non-Aligned Movement. In 2014, during a visit to Ghana by former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the two countries established a Permanent Joint Commission.
With seven (7) Iranian companies investing over $8.6 million in the Ghanaian economy, President Mahama will at a Business Forum in Tehran push for more Ghana- Iran Business Collaboration, with Ghanaian entities exploring export markets in Iran. Ghana will be seeking partnerships in rice farming and processing, agro-processing and mining, to expand production and export to Iran.
Iranian investments in Ghana have so far been in the manufacturing sector, with two new Iranian companies setting up in 2015, an aftermath of the visit of the former Iranian President. President Mahama will also visit a power plant and meet with Ghanaians in Iran before leaving for Accra.

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