Monday 15 February 2016


President John Mahama, has invited Iranian Investors to Ghana's energy sector, describing it as a priority area. According to him, the country needs an additional two thousand megawatts to meet the demand in the medium and long term industrialisation plan for Ghana. 
President Mahama, was addressing a Trade and Investment forum in the Iranian capital, Tehran. About Twenty Iranian Companies have expressed interest in doing business in Ghana.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, has been under sanctions from the United Nations for its Nuclear activities  for  years. The sanctions were lifted mid last year when Iran signed an international agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany. Under the agreement, Iran agreed to eliminate its storage of enriched uranium among others. This opens up, the country to doing business and forming partnership.

 Iran’s Trade,Industry and Mines Minister Mohammed Reza Nematzadeh, said Iran is poised to take up any form of investment with Ghana. He stated that Iran is equally blessed with natural resources which the country is ready to explore with other countries in a win win situation.
President Mahama, expressed hope that with the removal of sanctions and implementation of the Plan of Action, Iran can partner Ghana in the areas of energy,Oil and Gas, affordable housing, mining and education. Iran has technical expertise in these fields, which President Mahama, believes can push his governments transformational agenda. 
As the Chief sales person for Ghana, President Mahama as always has the onerous responsibility of wooing investors to Ghana. He espoused how Ghana's conducive social, political and economic environment makes her the preferred choice to do business.
As part of efforts by government to diversify the energy sector, President Mahama,invited Private Sector Power Producers to invest in the production of gas and also look at some renewable sources of energy like wind and solar. The extractive sector also came up for attention.

About Twenty Iranian businesses registered to partake in the conference and network with their Ghanaian counterparts. Iran has a strong industrial base. The country also has a developed health care sector which currently manufactures anti-cancer medicines. 
All eyes are on Iran now, as business and industry giants troop there to invest in the country's formerly sanctions battered economy

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