Sunday 7 February 2016


The Headpastor of the Mataheko Branch of the Faith Evangelical Mission Worldwide, Apostle Ebenezer Aryee has entreated two serve and worship God wholeheartedly.

Preaching the sermon on the theme "Serve the Lord with all your heart" Apostle Aryee noted that unless Christians worship God wholeheartedly they will not overcome their problems. "Worship God include giving your tithe, offering,your relationship with church members and friends among others".

 He went on say that advancement in technology is gradually taking over Christianity. "Instead of reading the bible, Christians especially the youth rather spend time chatting on watsapp and playing games on the internet"he said.

 Apostle Aryee noted that Christians must read the bible always and apply it to their daily lives.
Touching on Fetish priests  Apostle Aryee advised the congregation to be wearing of them since they now come disguised as prophets of God. "Read the bible in order for you not to fall for their lies" he stated.
Scriptures used for the sermon are Exodus 4verse 23, Exodus7 verse 16 and John 8 verse 31

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