Friday 5 February 2016


   Parliament has approved a buyer’s credit agreement between the government of Ghana and ABN AMRO N.V Bank of the Netherlands for an amount of Thirteen Million One Hundred and Twelve Thousand Euros to finance the Accelerated Tuberculosis TB Case Detection Project. The facility is a mixed credit with relative concessionary terms. It has a grace period of 2 years and tenor of 12 years. 
 The interest rate is one-point-95 percent and a grant element of 58-point-15 percent. The House has also approved a request for a waiver of import duty, VAT, NHIL, ECOWAS Levy, EDAIF and other applicable fees and charges amounting to Two Million Four Hundred and Ninety-Six Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Euros on materials and equipment to be used under the TB case detection project. 

In the 2009 WHO Global TB Control report, the TB detection rate in Ghana was estimated at 26 percent. 
 This means 74 percent of all TB cases in Ghana were not detected and not treated. The detection of new cases is therefore below the global target of 70 percent required to significantly reduce the burden of the disease. It is to help address the issue that government is sourcing the 13 Million Euro credit facility from the ABN AMRO N.V Bank of the Netherlands. 

The Accelerated Tuberculosis, TB Case Detection Project will involve advocacy programmes, media campaigns and awareness creation, Clinical training, supply and installation of IT hardware and software, diagnostic digital X-Ray systems, prevalence studies and quality assurance among others.

 Presenting the report of the Finance committee for the approval of the loan agreement, the Chairman of the Committee James Avedzi said the country will derived maximum benefit from the implementation of the project. The House also ratified a request for waiver of duties, VAT, Levies and other applicable fees and charges amounting to two million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and seventy Euros on materials and equipment to be used under the TB case detection project.

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