Thursday 18 February 2016


Social media has been blocked in Uganda on the day of presidential elections .Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni  explained that this is   to stop people  "telling lies".

Interviewed on TV about social media, Mr Museveni said: "Some people misuse those pathways. You know how they misuse them - telling lies.

Mr Museveni, 71, is seeking to extend his 30-year rule, in a race widely seen as the tightest in the East African state's history. Seven opposition
 candidates are running against Mr Museveni.

His main challenger is his former physician, Kizza Besigye who has said he does not think the election will be free and fair.
Former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi is also seen as a leading contender for the presidency.

The head of Uganda's media regulator, Godfrey Mutabazi, said the block was introduced after a request from the electoral commission, local media reports.
He added that it was to make sure the services would not be used to bribe voters.

Uganda's leading mobile operator MTN, which has 10 million users, confirmed that it had received an order to shut down social media services.
Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and mobile money services have been blocked.
Despite this, #UgandaDecides is still trending on Twitter

The election has been marred by delays of up to five hours at some polling stations.
The electoral commission said difficulties in transporting electoral materials caused the delays and agreed to extend voting for three hours until 16:00 GMT in some polling stations. 

Voting has been cancelled at at least two polling stations in the capital Kampala after clashes with police.

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