Thursday 4 February 2016


Health minister Hon Alex Segbefia has disclosed that a total of 140 deaths have been recorded so far across the ten regions in the country pertaining to the outbreak of Pneomococal meningitis.
The Brong Ahafo Region has so far recorded 288 cases with 50 deaths confirmed making it the region with the highest record.
In a statement read by the Minister on the floor of parliament, he indicated that the ministry have commissioned a thorough investigation into the outbreak, and the exact causative agent has been identified to be mostly Pneumococcus. This he said can be treated with antibiotics; and effective antibiotics have been identified. 

  VickyNews Parliamentary Correspondent, Theresa Adwzewa Ayittey reports that the health Minister in the statement noted that funding support has been provided, antibiotics and all essential items needed has distributed to the affected regions and districts.

 Provisions of Technical Assistance by the World Health Organization (WHO) to train key staff in serotyping and the provision of additional diagnostic test kits have also been dealt with.
 In conclusion, Mr Alex Segbefia stated that the country has experienced an unfortunate situation of this outbreak but pleaded with Ghanaians to stay vigilant.
 Adding his voice to this, the member of Parliament for the Asawase Constituency and the majority chief whip Hon Muntaka Mohammed -Mubarak cautioned the public on the practice of self medication stating that it could worsen situation in the case of meningococcal meningitis and therefore should seek medical advice first.
He also applauded the media for their contribution to educate the public of this disease.    

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