Monday 25 July 2016


The National Youth Organizer of the All Peoples Congress  Mordecai Thiombiano has entreated Ghanaians to do away with the perception that violence in the country always erupt from the Zongo Communities. 

 In an interview after a delegation led by the Flag bearer of the All Peoples Congress, Dr Hassan Ayariga paid a courtesy call on the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu in Accra to formally introduce his party to him, Mr. Thiombiano noted that Zongo communities are usually perceived as hot spots and violence-prone areas during the build-up to elections in the country but this is not so.      

“I must emphasize that Ghanaians must rethink and understand that violence in this nation is not only erupted from zongo communities but every community across the nation with dominant youth unemployment"he stated.

 According to Mr. Thiombano the youth are manipulated   into violence by politicians with small amount of money to cause trouble and this is possible due to lack of financial empowerment of the youth.                                         

 He said the youth are the future generation hence jobs opportunities must be opened to them irrespective of their party affiliation.

The APC National Youth Organizer  believes the time has come when the people of Ghana will choose a leader who thinks about the welfare of the people particularly the youth and will involve them in governance. This leader he said is non other person than Dr Hassan Ayariga, flag bearer of the All Peoples Congress. 

“I call on all the youth of this nation to massively join the “Come On Board tour” of the All Peoples Congress under the leadership of Dr. Hassan Ayariga with the All inclusive Governance concept” he urged.

Mr. Thiombiano further stated that the APC With the all inclusive governance concept believes that to change people you must first involve them in the process of change in order to change them”.
  He noted that the NDC under the leadership of President John Mahama has failed totally though he proclaimed infrastructural development in his Accounting To The People tour.         
 “Why didn’t the president show to Ghanaians the bad roads  of Apesika a deprived community in the Brong Ahafo region and also the Bawku Bolgatanga road which has become death traps claiming lives of  innocent Ghanaians on daily basis.“Of what use is it for us in Ghana if we have infrastructure development when lots of Ghanaians cannot feed themselves with three square meals daily? when they are deprived from enjoying the national cake all because of partisanship and military rule in disguise" he asked.   
He stated that the NPP under the leadership of Nana Akufo Addo also has nothing to offer Ghanaians.

 He emphasized that Ghanaians have become very much enlightened and cannot be taken for granted with unrealistic promises just to win power.The only good alternative for Ghanaians in this year’s election for presidency Mr. Thiombiano said is Dr Hassan Ayariga. 
 Mr. Thiombiano called on both Christian and Muslim Youths to distance themselves from any acts of violence that could derail the smooth running of the 2016 general election.

According to him, protecting the current peaceful atmosphere in Ghana is critical during the build-up to this year’s election.

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