Thursday 7 July 2016


 Management of Montie fm has rendered an apology to her ladyship Chief Justice, Justices of the Supreme Court and the Bench in general for the use of its platform by certain panellists recently to make statements that appear to threaten the safety of the Supreme Court Bench. 

In a statement signed by the General Manager Mutala Mohammed, management condemned the said statement which it considered  regrettable and disassociate itself from it.

According to the statement, as a sign of disapproval of the conduct of the panelists, Management has decided to ban the said panelists from appearing on all their programmes until further notice and have initiated the necessary disciplinary proceedings against the host and the producer of the programme.

Below is the full statement.
The management of “Montie” FM wishes to render its sincerest apologies to Her Ladyship the Chief Justice, Justices of the Supreme Court and the Bench in general for the use of its platform by certain panellists recently to make statements that appear to threaten the safety of the Supreme Court Bench. 

Management condemns absolutely the said statements which it considers regretable and dissociates itself from  those statements.

Management wishes to assure all Ghanaians of its resolve not to condone any action that will in any way tend to undermine the administration of justice in our country, nor shall management condone any action that will tend to compromise the safety and security of members of the judiciary or the peace and stability of Ghana.
Management will ensure that in future, panellists who appear on the programmes of the station are circumspect in their diction to avoid a repeat of the regretable occurrence. 

We will continue to operate as a law abiding corporate citizen of Ghana and will not condone any action that will tend to undermine the administration of justice in the country that we all love so much.
As a sign of our disapproval of the conduct of the panellists,  Management decided to ban the said panelists from appearing on all our programmes until further notice.

Management has initiated the necessary disciplinary proceedings against the host and the producer of the programme.

Mutala Mohammed
( General Manager )

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