Friday 15 July 2016


The Speaker of Parliament Edward Doe Adjaho has referred the Parliamentary Correspondent for Graphic Mark-Anthony Vinorkor to the Privileges Committee for allegedly reporting that Parliament had made changes to the CI 94 after it had been laid in the House. 

The reporter’s accreditation has also been withdrawn pending the determination of the matter. Raising the matter on the Floor for the consideration of the MPs the Deputy Minority Leader Dominic Nitiwul said the 14th July edition of the publication of the Graphic scandalized Parliament and made the House looked like it has gone backdoor to change the CI when what was laid on Friday the 8th of July was different. 

With the pronouncement of the Supreme Court in a ruling on LI 1983 to the effect that changes made to a  Legislative Instrument that is laid before the House was unconstitutional,  the House thought the Publication is in bad taste. 

According to the Constitution Parliament has no power to alter a CI when it is laid before it. Mr. Nitiwul said the reporter was given the opportunity to correct the alleged wrong but failed to do so but rather published what he described as worst.
The Speaker Edward Doe Adjaho referred the matter to the Privileges Committee to 

invite the reporter and his employer Graphic Communication Group to appear to 

respond to the said publication. 

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