Thursday 14 July 2016


The flag bearer of the All Peoples Congress(APC) Hassan Ayariga has attributed the increasing unemployed graduates in the country to the outmoded curricular used in educational institutions. 

According to him educational institutions are using curricular introduced by Dr Kwame Nkrumah which is not helping  this generation  since they complete school without skills and end up being unemployed.

Dr Hassan Ayariga  made these observations when he paid visit to some traditional leaders in the Greater Accra Region as part  of  “Come on Board; let’s safeguard our Birth Right and Build Ghana Together” tour of the Greater Accra Region to introduce his party to them as well as seek for their blessings to win this years elections. 

“The constitution to be amended or better still changed because it has elements which favours particular group of people” he noted.
‘When voted in power come November 7, I will look at the constitution the way it favours everybody” he said.

Dr Hassan Ayariga also believes the winner takes it all policy is right and must be stop.  We need to s“One party cannot salvage Ghana. Everybody must be given the opportunity devoid of partisanship to contribute to the development of the country” he stated.  He explained that this is why his party when voted in power will be all inclusive irrespective of your party. 

“We all need to contribute one way or the other to save Ghana.
He stated that   "Ghana is not suffering because the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is in power or because the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is not in government; Ghanaians are suffering because they are quiet sitting unconcern. 

According to him, the time has come when
 traditional leaders and people who are knowledgeable will be involved in the governance of this country irrespective of their party affiliation. This is the only way to move the country forward.

Dr Hassan Ayariga was received warmly by the all the chiefs he visited and they all wished him well. They advised him not to go contrary to the message he is preaching when given the nod to lead the country and also involve the traditional leaders in democratic rule of the country has he has promised.

Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuono VI, Paramount Chief of Osu entreated the APC flagbearer to preach about peace as he goes on his tour. “We want a peaceful election because we don’t know where we will go to when there is war here. So let peace be your message as your embark on your campaign tour” he urges.

 He started the visit from the Chief of Haatso, Nii Armah Sogbla IV then proceeded to Nima to meet the Ayawaso Zongo Council of chiefs. At Nima he was received by a large and enthusiastic crowd. 
They would not let him go until they get party paraphernalia from him. From Nima the team met the Paramount Chief of Osu , Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuono VI and ended his visit at  Teshie Palace.

At all places visited the Flag bearer presented Party paraphernalia to the chiefs as a sign of their acceptance of the party.

General Secretary of APC Razak Kojo Oppong in an interview said the tour which started on Monday has so far been successful considering the response from the people especially the traditional rulers.
He however urged the people of Ghana to vote for Hassan Ayariga who has the vision to merge both socialists and capitalism for the socio economic transformation of the country. 

Mr Kojo Opoku refuted Allegations that the ruling National Democratic Congress is sponsoring the All People Congress. According to him APC has nothing to do with the NDC.

On the plans APC has for the youth, Mordecai Thiombiano, Natioanl Youth Organizer of APC says the party has plans to empower the youth in all aspects to be able to be financially independent thereby reducing employment in the country.

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