Thursday 21 July 2016


First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama has stressed the need for society and parents to support the government’s transformational agenda. This can be done by encouraging their wards to be interested in vocational and technical skills and to go for training at appropriate institutions.

The First Lady was speaking to artisans after she presented tools, equipment and start up kits to the Carpenters, Mason, Hair dressers, Tailors and Barbers Association in the Volta Region.

According to her considering the fact that the world job market is changing and premium is being placed now on practical skills and science and technology based professions skills training must be prioritised by all.
"A skilled workforce has the great potential of accelerating any country’s drive towards development" she noted. 

The First Lady added that skilled workforce plays an important role in reducing poverty as it creates brighter prospects for faster employment for the youth. 

She noted that the structure of the Ghanaian economy is also changing. "Professions like Tailoring, Hairdressing, Garment-Making, welding, masonry, electricals and many more are increasingly in high demand. These professions are also at the core of small and medium enterprise (SME) advancement in Ghana." She stated.

The First Lady indicated that Small Medium Enterprises are a key driver of the economy and creating immediate self-employment and practitioners who do not have to depend on government for jobs. 

"We live in a society that places a high value on some professions and white-collar jobs, and that still considers skilled labour as an inferior life option" she observed. 

She stated that it is no surprise that parents want their children to pursue careers that will maintain or increase their status. She said teachers see it as a waste talent when an academically high performing student undertakes technical skills and vocational training. This she said is bias against technical and vocational training is unfortunate. 

"Our youth should have the opportunity to be trained in whatever skills their natural talents and preferences lead them to, rather than us prescribing for them careers we think are suitable for them" the First Lady indicated. 

According to the First Lady, many of the skills most needed to compete in the global market of the 21st century are technical skills that fall into the technical/vocational skills training adding that there are so many opportunities for Tailors, Beautician, Hairdressers, and Barbers our there. 

"As human beings will continue to wear clothing, groom and make-up, it means there is constant market or clients for you and therefore with a little capital investment, you would immediately expand your businesses".

Mrs. Mahama called on all to help the government to promote technical/vocational education and training. She stated her organization, the Lordina Foundation’s commitment to empower women and support the youth, particularly in skills development.

She appealed to those in the industry to make their workplace an environment that is clean, safe and relaxing where customers can receive prompt and professional service. “This is because cleanliness in particular is a very important element that can draw customers to you".

"Your clients must be able to trust that the products and tools that you use on them are of high quality" she urges.    

Mrs Lordina Mahama later met and interacted with market queen mothers and executives at the Ho central Market where she encouraged the leaders of the market women to form cooperative groups as it makes it easier to access small loans. 

She also urged them to ensure that peace prevails over violence as we approach elections in November this year.
" We must all be ambassadors of peace since we, as women and children have always been the victims of any conflict situations" she advised.

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