Friday 15 July 2016


 The First Lady, Mrs. Lordina Mahama has commended the chiefs and people of Nkoranza for sustaining the peace and unity in the traditional area.
She said without peace and unity there will be no development.

Mrs. Mahama made the commendation at this year’s Munukuo festival of the people of Nkoranza in the BrongAhafo Region.

The First Lady who was the special guest of honour indicated that developing the traditional area was not the sole responsibility of the government but was a shared one and called on citizens of the area to make it a duty to help with the advancement of their communities.

She further urged the traditional leaders to advise the youth to stay away from crime and not to use abusive language since that could disturb the peace in the country.
The festival took place under the theme; “Enhancing Unity and Development in the Nkoranza Traditional Area.”Mrs. Mahama noted that the theme for the occasion reflected the traditional area’s special need to develop in order for the lives of the people to improve. 

According to her, following its intention to make life easy for the people, the government had rolled out a massive infrastructural development across the country.
 “The truth is that Nkoranza has also had its fair share of development projects. As it is said often, if your mother is in the kitchen you will never go hungry. In this case, your daughter is in the kitchen”, she said.

The First Lady thanked Okatakyie AgyemanKudom IV, the chiefs and the people of Nkoranza for installing her as the Sompahenmaa of the Nkoranza Traditional Area under the stool name, Nana Akosua FremaaAmpoma Sika I.

She stated that as the First Lady of Ghana and a native of Nkoranza, she would continue to do her best in the quest to bring sustainable development to the area and commended the people for the orderly manner the Munukuo Festival was conducted.

Mrs. Mahama also promised to mobilise and energize the people, especially the women, through the Lordina Foundation, which she said was committed to make life worth living.

The Omanhene of the Nkoranza traditional area, Nana AgyemanKudom IV, said the Munukuo festival was established by the traditional authorities and was celebrated every forty days in the year. The recent occasion was the fifth to be celebrated this year.

He said in order to promote peace before, during and after the general elections, the Nkoranza traditional council is setting up a seven member team comprising chiefs and queenmothers who would be charged with the responsibility to preach and promote peace in the various communities.

The Omanhene also called on civil society, unit committee members, religious leaders and assembly members to join the campaign for a peaceful and successful election period in Nkoranza.

He expressed his appreciation to the First Lady for her numerous support towards the development of Nkoranza. He mentioned in particular the provision of an ICT centre for the Nkoranza Technical Institute, the organisation of free health screening exercises, provision of transport services and exercise books for school children.

 “The political stability, expansion of socio-economic infrastructure, unity and development that the traditional area has enjoyed were unprecedented. There has been an increase in road infrastructure, improvement in education and health facilities which were all very encouraging”, he said.

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