Monday 18 July 2016


The General Overseer of the Living Waters Community Chapel, Apostle Paul Thiombiano has appealed to Civilians in possession of unlicensed arms to surrender them to the appropriate authorities or take necessary steps to register them.

 In an interview with vickynews, Apostle Thiombiano asked Ghanaians to support the security service by giving them information needed to retrieve all unregistered arms from civilians. 

His comments comes after the National Small Arms Commission announced that there are 2.3million weapons in civilians hands in the country with only 1.2million of that registered.

The number of illegal fire arms in wrong hands means that for Ghana’s 27 million population the ratio of illegal arms to the population is 1:25.

Apostle Thiombiano noted that the fact that the security Service has been able to unravel these unregistered arms it means they are up to the task and therefore must receive all the support of Ghanaians. 

He believes there is no cause for alarm considering that Ghana is in an election year.

According to Apostle Thiombiano the quest for peace is critical due to the fact that Ghana goes to the polls come November 7.

“Other nations around us are suffering from hunger and diseases and are running to other nations as refugees. We do not want that in Ghana. That is why I am asking for peace.”

Quoting from Psalm 34 verse 14, Apostle Thiombiano said “Depart from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it”.

He entreated leaders and supporters of political parties to always seek peace and do good things that bring peace. “Don’t go on radio and TV stations and make statements that will cause mayhem and havoc” he advised. 

“Politics is not about insults and fighting, it is about your experience and what you can do. Just tell the good people of Ghana what you can do for them and allow them to make informed decisions” he stated.

The General Overseer also urged leaders of Political parties to accept and respect any court rulings if there should be any.

The issue of the youth being used as agents of violence was a worrying situation to the Apostle. He entreated Ghanaians especially the youth not to allow themselves to be manipulated by any politician to be used as tool of violence.

“They just come and give you GHC50.00 and GH70.00 to cause mayhem. Don’t allow yourself to be used. If any Politician want to influence you, say no and tell them that those days are gone and gone forever” he advised.

Commenting on the recent attempted coup in Turkey Apostle Thiombiano was optimistic that Ghana will never experience such thing. “If you have lost confidence in the ruling government you ought not to go for gun" he noted.

There is a way in which leaders are elected and taking out of office and that is through your voting” he stated.

Apostle called on the security services agencies to comport themselves and not to take sides since their work is to provide security and protection to the citizenry and Ghana as a whole.

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