Monday 25 July 2016

10th Stop Cervical, Breast and Prostate Cancer Opened in Ethiopian Capital

The 10th Stop Cervical, Breast and Prostrate Cancer in Africa has opened in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia drawing more than one thousand participants from across the continent and beyond. 

First Lady, Dr Lordina Mahama, and her colleague First Ladies from Africa and the host country Ethiopia are attending the conference. 

First Lady Lordina Mahama who is also the President of the Organisation of African First Ladies, OAFLA and a strong advocate of stopping Cervical and Breast Cancer will be sharing Ghana's success stories so far in respect of Breast and Cervical Cancer prevention, advocacy and treatment and the way forward today.
Speaking at the opening of the conference the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn asked African First Ladies to intensify their campaigns towards Cervical, Breast and Prostrate Cancer in their respective home countries with focus on early detection and treatment.

Ghana's First Lady Lordina Mahama has always been a strong advocate in the fight against Breast, Cervical and Prostrate Cancer of which she has extended the campaign to about Seven Regions in the country. This she has done by organising periodic screening and medical outreach programmes, which have benefitted more than three thousand, people in Ghana. 

She intensified this education, last week, by reaching a larger group in the Volta Region. One can therefore say that Prime Minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam's Desalegn's call for intensification of this campaign towards cervical, breast and prostrate cancer is apt looking at the number of people covered through her screening and medical outreach exercise. 

At the conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia speaker upon speaker described cancers of all types as serious causing more than 8million deaths annually than deaths caused by HIV and AIDS and Malaria. This has become so because people do not attach any seriousness to its early detection and treatment .It is estimated that there will be 50 percent increase in cancer patients in Africa by 2030.

These alarming figures therefore informs the decision of African First Ladies to do more in the fight especially against Cervical, Breast and Prostrate Cancer. Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said even as African First Ladies intensify awareness, they should also drum home early detection as that is one of the cost effective way of reducing the disease in the long term.

First Lady of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Roman Tesfaye Abneh spoke strongly about the cost of cancer drugs. She said
cancer drugs are very expensive which the average person with low income cannot afford, a situation which is worrying.

The Opening of the 10th Stop Cervical, Breast and Prostrate Cancer in Africa Conference also saw the recognition of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia as Africa's Goodwill Ambassador for Women and Children’s Health for 2016-2017.


The National Youth Organizer of the All Peoples Congress  Mordecai Thiombiano has entreated Ghanaians to do away with the perception that violence in the country always erupt from the Zongo Communities. 

 In an interview after a delegation led by the Flag bearer of the All Peoples Congress, Dr Hassan Ayariga paid a courtesy call on the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu in Accra to formally introduce his party to him, Mr. Thiombiano noted that Zongo communities are usually perceived as hot spots and violence-prone areas during the build-up to elections in the country but this is not so.      

“I must emphasize that Ghanaians must rethink and understand that violence in this nation is not only erupted from zongo communities but every community across the nation with dominant youth unemployment"he stated.

 According to Mr. Thiombano the youth are manipulated   into violence by politicians with small amount of money to cause trouble and this is possible due to lack of financial empowerment of the youth.                                         

 He said the youth are the future generation hence jobs opportunities must be opened to them irrespective of their party affiliation.

The APC National Youth Organizer  believes the time has come when the people of Ghana will choose a leader who thinks about the welfare of the people particularly the youth and will involve them in governance. This leader he said is non other person than Dr Hassan Ayariga, flag bearer of the All Peoples Congress. 

“I call on all the youth of this nation to massively join the “Come On Board tour” of the All Peoples Congress under the leadership of Dr. Hassan Ayariga with the All inclusive Governance concept” he urged.

Mr. Thiombiano further stated that the APC With the all inclusive governance concept believes that to change people you must first involve them in the process of change in order to change them”.
  He noted that the NDC under the leadership of President John Mahama has failed totally though he proclaimed infrastructural development in his Accounting To The People tour.         
 “Why didn’t the president show to Ghanaians the bad roads  of Apesika a deprived community in the Brong Ahafo region and also the Bawku Bolgatanga road which has become death traps claiming lives of  innocent Ghanaians on daily basis.“Of what use is it for us in Ghana if we have infrastructure development when lots of Ghanaians cannot feed themselves with three square meals daily? when they are deprived from enjoying the national cake all because of partisanship and military rule in disguise" he asked.   
He stated that the NPP under the leadership of Nana Akufo Addo also has nothing to offer Ghanaians.

 He emphasized that Ghanaians have become very much enlightened and cannot be taken for granted with unrealistic promises just to win power.The only good alternative for Ghanaians in this year’s election for presidency Mr. Thiombiano said is Dr Hassan Ayariga. 
 Mr. Thiombiano called on both Christian and Muslim Youths to distance themselves from any acts of violence that could derail the smooth running of the 2016 general election.

According to him, protecting the current peaceful atmosphere in Ghana is critical during the build-up to this year’s election.

Friday 22 July 2016


The First Lady has called for the support of all in Africa’s quest to provide comprehensive, and modern care, and support for People Living with HIV, particularly, children living with the virus.

She noted that despite successes achieved in the last decade in rolling back HIV and AIDS, the disease remains one of the major public health challenges worldwide without the countries, Ghana and China not being an exception.  This she said calls for the involvement of all to address the issue of HIV.

 The First lady made the call at the media open of “Love under the Sun: China-Africa Summer Camp for Children Orphaned by AIDS” event, jointly organized by Ghana and China in Accra.

The ‘‘Love under the Sun – China-Africa Summer Camp for Children Orphaned by AIDS” is an activity initiated by the Chinese Association of STD and AIDS Prevention and Control to care for the children affected by AIDS.

Since 2010, the summer Camp has been successfully held for six times. The Summer Camp aims to open the Children’s view through sightseeing tour and interesting training activities, which will make them relax, feel others care for them and improve their mental and physical health

The First Lady stated, “Today, an estimated number of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand (250,000) Ghanaians, are living with the virus, and its attendant socio-economic implications.   The World Health Organization ranks AIDS, as the sixth leading cause of death globally”.

She said eventhough significant achievements have been made, in the response against HIV and AIDS in Africa, throughout the last decade, the disease continues to have adverse impact on the lives of children, and families worldwide with Sub-Saharan Africa being the most affected.
She commended the First Lady of China, Prof. Peng Liyan, and the Chinese government for their support in the quest to provide the best of care, and guidance for the children affected by HIV and AIDS. 

Adding that “We cannot deny the fact that our national response, to HIV and AIDS, could not have attained the gains it has made so far, without the partnership of our local and international stakeholders’.

Mrs Mahama stated that she was impressed at the progress realized in the fight against HIV and AIDS working through her leadership, of the Organisation of African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA), with the support of the Ghana AIDS Commission, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, and Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service.

Notable among them include heightened Prevention-of-Mother-To-Child-Transmission advocacy, integrated outreaches, to many communities, offering HIV Testing Services, maternal health and attitudinal change education, in addition to health screening, for other illnesses.

“We have also established strong partnerships, that enable us to provide assistance, to health facilities especially in deprived areas, in the form of medical supplies, equipment and consumables, mammograms, x-ray machines, among others” she disclosed.

In February this year, together with her sister African First Ladies, OAFLA launched the Campaign to End Child Marriages, as well as the Adolescent “All-in Campaign” in Ghana.

She pledged her continued commitment to the fight against child marriage, not only in Ghana, but also on the entire continent of Africa.

“Being the First Lady, as well as being a mother; it is my prayer that the summer camp will inspire greater paediatric care, protection of orphaned children and the promotion of the rights of People Living with HIV, particularly children living with the disease” she stated.. 

The First Lady indicated that the right of children affected by HIV and AIDS to education, health, and the freedom to live their dreams, are dear to her heart and that all must come together to advocate for this. 

For her part, the Chinese Ambassador to Ghana, Madam Sun Baohong said children are the hope for the future and are in need of special care and help.  She indicated that AIDS orphans belong to the special vulnerable group in society therefore government attention and support should be strengthened to help them grow up healthily and happily.

“AIDS orphans have the same equal right to education as other children. Communities and school cannot refuse to accept them “ she emphasized.

The Lordina Foundation and the Chinese embassy gave each participant of the ‘‘Love under the Sun – China-Africa Summer Camp for Children Orphaned by AIDS” financial support.
This is the first time for the Chinese Association of STD and AIDS Prevention and Control to invite foreign delegations to attend the Summer Camp. All delegations come from Africa namely Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa

Thursday 21 July 2016


A technical Committee set up by the President to review the issue of nursing student’s allowances has recommended the payment of an abated allowance with a possibility to  migrate them onto the students Loan Scheme.
A statement signed by the Minister of Health, Alex Segbefia, the payment which will amount to about GHC150 a month is aimed at supporting 34,500 students who are currently pursuing various levels of health professional training across the country.

Government announced a scrapping of the allowances in order to remove the restrictions on admission to the various training institutions due to the huge amount it had to pay in the form of allowances. This was in order to give more students the opportunity to gain admissions into these institutions.
However, the scrapping was met with much resistance from some students who rely on the allowances to support themselves in school.

This led to the setting up of a committee to advise on the way forward.
According to the statement, the payment amount would serve as a bridging mechanism pending the amendment of Students Loan Trust Act to enable students in non tertiary Health Training Institutions access loans to support their education.

The statement said further information will be available at the Health Training Institution Secretariate


First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama has stressed the need for society and parents to support the government’s transformational agenda. This can be done by encouraging their wards to be interested in vocational and technical skills and to go for training at appropriate institutions.

The First Lady was speaking to artisans after she presented tools, equipment and start up kits to the Carpenters, Mason, Hair dressers, Tailors and Barbers Association in the Volta Region.

According to her considering the fact that the world job market is changing and premium is being placed now on practical skills and science and technology based professions skills training must be prioritised by all.
"A skilled workforce has the great potential of accelerating any country’s drive towards development" she noted. 

The First Lady added that skilled workforce plays an important role in reducing poverty as it creates brighter prospects for faster employment for the youth. 

She noted that the structure of the Ghanaian economy is also changing. "Professions like Tailoring, Hairdressing, Garment-Making, welding, masonry, electricals and many more are increasingly in high demand. These professions are also at the core of small and medium enterprise (SME) advancement in Ghana." She stated.

The First Lady indicated that Small Medium Enterprises are a key driver of the economy and creating immediate self-employment and practitioners who do not have to depend on government for jobs. 

"We live in a society that places a high value on some professions and white-collar jobs, and that still considers skilled labour as an inferior life option" she observed. 

She stated that it is no surprise that parents want their children to pursue careers that will maintain or increase their status. She said teachers see it as a waste talent when an academically high performing student undertakes technical skills and vocational training. This she said is bias against technical and vocational training is unfortunate. 

"Our youth should have the opportunity to be trained in whatever skills their natural talents and preferences lead them to, rather than us prescribing for them careers we think are suitable for them" the First Lady indicated. 

According to the First Lady, many of the skills most needed to compete in the global market of the 21st century are technical skills that fall into the technical/vocational skills training adding that there are so many opportunities for Tailors, Beautician, Hairdressers, and Barbers our there. 

"As human beings will continue to wear clothing, groom and make-up, it means there is constant market or clients for you and therefore with a little capital investment, you would immediately expand your businesses".

Mrs. Mahama called on all to help the government to promote technical/vocational education and training. She stated her organization, the Lordina Foundation’s commitment to empower women and support the youth, particularly in skills development.

She appealed to those in the industry to make their workplace an environment that is clean, safe and relaxing where customers can receive prompt and professional service. “This is because cleanliness in particular is a very important element that can draw customers to you".

"Your clients must be able to trust that the products and tools that you use on them are of high quality" she urges.    

Mrs Lordina Mahama later met and interacted with market queen mothers and executives at the Ho central Market where she encouraged the leaders of the market women to form cooperative groups as it makes it easier to access small loans. 

She also urged them to ensure that peace prevails over violence as we approach elections in November this year.
" We must all be ambassadors of peace since we, as women and children have always been the victims of any conflict situations" she advised.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


 Turkey has formally charged 99 generals and admirals in connection with the weekend's thwarted coup attempt, just under a third of the country's 356 top military officers.

Authorities have banned all academics from travelling abroad, as the purge of state employees suspected of being connected to the failed coup continues.

More than 50,000 people have been rounded up, sacked or suspended.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to announce further measures.
He chaired a five-hour emergency meeting of the National Security Council and was expected to lay out a series of emergency measures later on Wednesday. 

So far about 1,577 university deans (faculty heads) have been asked to resign in addition to 21,000 teachers and 15,000 education ministry officials.

They are suspected of having links to the alleged mastermind of the coup, US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen - who denies any involvement.
Some 626 institutions have also been shut down, most of them private educational establishments, officials say.

Meanwhile, Turkish F-16 fighter jets launched an operation to check reports that two missing coastguard vessels were trying to reach Greek waters, but details were few.


 Debate on the Constitution Amendment Bill 2016 that seeks to change the date of election from 7th December to the first Monday of November has been deferred on the Floor of Parliament. 

The debate has been advertised on two occasions but has been postponed due to what the leader ship termed uncleared issues. 

The Speaker of Parliament Edward Doe Adjaho reminded that House of the importance of the Bill and urged the leadership to do well to open the debate for the early passage of the Bill.

Currently, the date set aside in respect of the conduct of both presidential and parliamentary elections in the country is December 7, while the swearing-in of the elected President is January 7 of the following year.
However, concerns have been raised that the one-month period for the transition of one government to another, is insufficient for a smooth transition, especially in instances of a run-off as was the case in the years 2000 and 2008.

In the light of the apparent weakness in the electoral system and following the election petition in 2012, the Electoral Reform Committee was established on January 23, 2015, to propose reforms to the country’s electoral system.

The committee comprised representatives of the EC.
Recommendations of the reform committee
One of the recommendations made by the committee was a change in the date for the conduct of elections from December 7 to the first Monday in November in an election year.
The committee specified that, the elections should be held on the first Monday in November in an election year, in order to have elections on a specific day such as Monday, instead of having elections on a specific date.

Reference was made to the United States of America (USA), where elections are fixed for the second Tuesday of November of an election year.

According to the committee, holding the presidential and parliamentary elections in November would allow for sufficient time between elections and the handover of power to an incoming government.
That would also ensure a smooth transition and reduce acrimony and prevent the chaotic situation where former ministers of state are recalled to provide information to the incoming government on matters of the state.

The committee further stated that, the reason for choosing the first Monday of November would prevent the inconvenience associated with some days of the week which had the tendency of affecting voter turnout, such as Friday or Sunday.