Wednesday 16 March 2016


The Speaker of Parliament Edward Doe Adjaho is to act as President from today to Saturday the 19th of this Month following the absence of President Mahama and Vice President Paa Kwesi Amisah-Arthur from the Country. 

Article 60(11) and (12)of the constitution  mandates the speaker of parliament to take over the presidency in the absence of both the president and the vice from the country.

In accordance to Article 59 of the constitution mandates the president to give a written and signed letter to the speaker whenever he is going out of the country, the President John Dramani Mahama  sent a  communication to the speaker of Parliament  informing  him of his official visit to Scotland today March16,2016   and that of Vice President who is in India on an official visit. 

Taking the oath, Mr Joe Adjaho  sworn to protect and preserve the constitution and he will be faithful to the republic of Ghana. He further sworn that should he breach any of the laws he will submit himself for punishment in accordance with the law.

The swearing in was conducted by the chief justice Her lordship Theodora Georgina Wood.
Meanwhile President Mahama is expected to be in the country on March 19 2016.

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