Friday 11 March 2016


The First Lady Nana Dr Lordina Mahama has entreated parents to do everything to encourage their children to stay in school. 

According to her government is expanding access at all level of the educational system to enable children to reach their full potential hence parent must ensure their wards stay in school.
"Education is a social security for everybody and for all families. The benefits of education may not be immediately apparent, but in the future the dividends help to raise many families out of poverty" she noted. 

The first made the call when the Lordina Foundation presented the school children of Ampoma a number of items including locally produced school bags, school sandals and shoes. The donation was to help the school children as well as encourage them to come to school every day and study hard. She urged the children to continue to learn and be obedient. 

The First lady seems to have a deep attachment to this little town because Ampoma is where her mother was born and buried. She stated that her visits to Ampoma and interactions have helped her to better understand the challenges of the people and the factors that hinder the education of young ones in this area. "Together, we can develop our communities to benefit our children and prepare them for the future" she said. 

Currently there are several projects ongoing in Ampoma that would contribute to give a facelift to the town and also improve the living conditions of the people. The first lady who have been working hard to see to the completion of these projects visited the various sites where work was progressing smoothly. 

 The projects include, a Market, Centre, a Lorry Park, a public toilet, and a Kindergaten and Nursey Block.

As part of her visit, she donated a quantity of drugs for the local CHPS Compound and a refrigerator. This was to advance the delivery of quality health care to our people. 

The first lady from Ampomaa proceeded to Chiraa where she presented a number of hospital equipment and supplies to the Chiraa Health Centre. This is to supplement government’s vision of expanding access and delivery of quality health care.
Presenting the items the first lady urged Ghanaians to look after themselves well and avoid practices that expose them to sickness. "Cleaning of our environments, ensuring that there is no stagnant water around the house, and healthy nutrition, avoiding excess sugars and fats prevents us from falling sick"she noted.
She indicated that even though government has invested a lot in health infrastructure, and also improving medical supplies and personnel as the President stated in his State of the Nation Address last month it still needs the support of non-government organisations to further enhancing quality health care. 
She was hopeful that items and supplies from the Lordina Foundation will significantly support the work of the health professionals at this health centre, and encouraged the hospital to use them for the sole purpose of caring for the sick. 

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