Saturday 12 March 2016


First Lady Dr Lordina Mahama has called on all stakeholders, traditional and religious leaders and individuals to support government to end Child Marriage. They can support government achieve the aim of the campaign by intensifying their strategies towards ending child marriage in Ghana.

The First Lady made the call when she presented medical supplies and equipment to the Wenchi Hospital in the Brong Ahafo region. Ghana recently joined other African states in the fight against child marriage by launching the End Child Marriage campaign at the recently held 7th African Conference on Sexual Health and Rights, hosted in Accra.

The First lady stated “the future of our children is very important and we must ensure that girls are allowed to go to school instead of being married off at tender ages.”She said it a duty as parents, to support their children to climb the academic ladder and become responsible members in society before giving them away in marriage.

On the issue of the health of the citizenry, Dr Lordina Mahama noted that government places priority on the health of her citizens. “The President in his State of the Nation Address restated his commitment to continue the upgrading of our health system. And as the President said on that day, “A healthy nation is a wealthy nation” she stated. She believes that a healthy community ultimately will be empowered to contribute to the development of Wenchi and the country as a whole.
Nana Dr Lordina Mahama reiterated the need for a well trained health care professionals as essential players in ensuring quality healthcare In view of this, she said the  Lordina Foundation with its partners will do all it can, through our charitable donations, to make quality healthcare delivery easier for our doctors and nurses and all who are involved in the frontline of healthcare delivery.
The Lordina Foundation together with its donor partners, particularly MedShare USA, acquired the medical supplies to donate to the Wenchi hospital as a way of contributing towards improving the healthcare delivery system of this community.

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