Friday 19 August 2016


A Presidential Aide, Seidu Kpebu says the First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama is not accountable to the opposition  New Patriotic Party . 

His comments comes after the Acting General Secretary of the NPP John Boadu, held a press conference to question    the source of Lordina Foundation's resources for its charity work undertaken across the country.

  According to the the General Secretary,  the First Lady must come out to account to Ghanaians the source of the funding of her charitable works. But Mr Kpebu who is also close to the First Lady said she has at every program made mention of her sponsors so the NPP can go back to the speeches, audios and videos of the programs  to determine the source of her resources. 

"Let it be known that the First Lady has always acknowledged her sponsors and partners in her speeches at all donation events. There is no single event that she failed to acknowledge the sponsors" he asserted. 

Mr Kpebu stated that the Lordina Foundation has a lot of offers for sponsorship, collaborations and partnership but the First Lady has always been meticulous in deciding which organization or individual to collaborate with.

" She has always acknowledged MedShare USA, Chinese Embassy, and the Turkish First Lady as among her sponsors. Those projects that the Foundation is facilitating, she has always stated same in her speeches" he noted.

The Presidential Aide indicated that the first lady Mrs Lordina Mahama has received many awards and each award came with a package, which she could have kept for her personal comfort but she has always decided to give them out to orphans, underprivileged and needy people in our society.

"If indeed the NPP were sincere in their quest, they would have first, contacted these publicly declared institutions, organisations and individuals she keep mentioning in her speeches" Mr Kpebu said.

The presidential Aide questions where the NPP is getting money or resources for their campaign. "Please tell Ghanaians. Remove the speck in your eyes before talking about the log in someone else’s" he said 

He also want the NPP to tell Ghanaians the source(s) of resources of Madam Rebecca Akufo Addo that enables her to be donating items in NPP branded polythene bags to patients in some hospitals in recent weeks. 

"Madam Rebecca Akufo-Addo is the wife of the flagbearer of the NPP and the party is a public institution hence accountable to Ghanaians " he stated. 

He said "it's obvious the  NPP is just diverting attention from the success story of the Lordina Foundation. And especially the successful campaign of President Mahama currently in Western region that is drawing multitude of crowds to listen to him.

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