Tuesday 30 August 2016


The First lady Mrs Lordina Mahama has advocated community health education as a major to tool to prevent outbreak of diseases and promotion of good health. 

According to the first lady poor health status is a cause and consequences of poverty, hence all must be educated on how to stay healthy. She therefore called on stakeholders in the health sector as well as health practitioners to go round communities educating the people on how to stay health. This way She believes diseases will be prevented instead of curing.

The first made the call when she interacted and donated items to the people of NkranKwanta in the Dormaa West District and Nsoatre in the Sungai West District all in the the Brong Ahafo Region.

Being driven by the fact that no life must be lost due to lack necessary medical supplies and equipment, the first lady through the lordina Foundation has provided health facilities with some basic equipment and medical supplies needed to ensure healthcare delivery.  So far many districts in all ten regions of Ghana has benefited from such donations made possible by MEDSHARE USA.

Though the First lady for some time now has faced criticisms from the opposition New Patriotic Party it seems the mother of the nation will not saving lives.
Addressing a gathering prior to the donation, the first lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama noted that Ghanaians risk of not receiving quality healthcare if hospitals lack the basic equipment to provide equipment to provide quality services.

She said “We as a country must work against losing lifes due to lack of necessary medical supplies and equipment”.
The First lady said even though government is committed to improving healthcare facilities across the country, it needs the support of all. 

The chief of Amasu Dormaa, Barima Dei Kusi Gyabaah in a welcome address commended the first lady and the NDC government for the development that it has brought to the community.

He mentioned developmental projects such as schools, markets, light, place of convenience   and roads. He however appealed to the government to open the border between Nkrankwanta and Cote d’voire since it generates much revenues . Reacting to the appeal the Deputy Minister for Sport Vincent Oppong Asamoah said the minister of trade has written letter to the Ghana Revenue Authority instructing them to open the boarder so they are waiting for the Ghana Revenue authority to formally write to them.

At Nsoatre , the first lady asserted that the provision of equipment and logistics and training of qualified healthcare personnel by government combined with the National Health Insurance Scheme is providing a favourable health outcome for many people in Ghana. 

“The NHIS has grown rapidly and experienced a dramatic increase in outpatient visitation. This was put at over 29 million in 2014, with over 1billion paid out to health institution against claims made” she noted.
According to the first lady Governments over the years has invested a lot in providing these critical social services for its citizens. Equipment and logistics for these healthcare facilities are being provided. 

“The development of a nation depends on the health of the people. Government has therefore invested a lot of resources, into constructing more hospitals, and expanding health facilities, and retooling them, across the country. Simply because the government appreciates the importance of a healthy population to economic development” she stated.

Dr. Lordina Mahama indicated that Government cannot achieve its vision of “health for all” by itself unless organizations and individuals and stakeholders in the health sector complements government’s efforts.

The DCE for Nsoatre, Agnes Kusi commended the first lady and her husband President John Mahama for massive development in the area.  She mentioned, markets, schools, roads among others.
On the issue of a new University in Nsotre, the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister assured people that the drawing of the site plan for the construction of the new university for nsoatre is ongoing. 
The District Health Directors of Nkrankwanta and Nsoatre hospitals, Veronica Asamoah Torto and Charlotte Adu Gyamfi thanked the first lady for the gesture saying it will go a long way to aid them in the discharge of their duties.
The first lady was accompanied by the Minister of Tourism Elizath Owusu Agyare, Minister for Local Government, Collins Dauda, NDC Womens Organizer Hajia Zenab and other executive members of the NDC.

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