Wednesday 31 August 2016


  First Lady Mrs. LordinaMahama has stressed the need for society to accept Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS saying that it is no fault of theirs that their parents are living with HIV. 

According to her AIDS orphans have the same equal rights to education, love, and care just as other children. She made the call when she paid a working visit to Womanafo in the Dormaa East District of the BrongAhafo where she supported the District Hospital with medical items and equipment.

Mrs. Mahama noted that AIDS orphans usually face discrimination and neglect from families and society. This she describes as unacceptable; “Children are the hope for the future and are in need of special care and help. AIDS orphans usually face discrimination and neglect from families and society. It is no fault of theirs that their parents are living with HIV. The time has come when families, communities and schools must accept them. ” she stated.
Mrs.LordinaMahama who is the President of the Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV and UNAIDS Premier Global Ambassador, said the rights of children affected by HIV and AIDS to education, health and the freedom to live their dreams is dear to her heart and therefore calls on all to come together to advocate this.

Due to her special attachment to the issues related to AIDS and children, the First Lady in partnership with the Chinese government organized the “Love Under the Sun”  - China Africa summer camp for children orphaned by AIDS.

This saw 10 Ghanaian children orphaned by AIDS joining their colleagues in China to have fun, relax, feel others care for them and improve on their mental and physical health.
She indicated that despite the global successes achieved in the last decade in rolling back HIV and AIDS, the disease remains one of the major public health challenges worldwide. 

“The disease continues to have adverse impact on the lives of children and families with Sub Saharan Africa being the most affected. This calls for the involvement of all to address the issue of HIV.”

As OAFLA President and Premiere AIDS ambassador she said was determined to see Ghana move towards an HIV free future, through the Prevention of Mother-to-Child-Transmission, safe sex and reduction of stigma and also significantly reduce the number of cervical and breast cancers, that occur in the society, by encouraging women to test for HIV and regular breast examination by health professionals.

Many people including children, orphans, vulnerable women, the disabled, artisans and many more through the Lordina foundation have been affected positively. 

The president of the foundation, Mrs.Mahamasaid “at the Lordina Foundation, we are determined to continue with our work and would do so as long as we continue to enjoy the support of our sponsors. I assure you that Lordina Foundation will continue organizing, with the support of Medshare USA and other sponsors, more medical delegations and provide more medical supplies to Ghanaians to improve healthcare delivery across the country”.

As she has done everywhere she went, she used the occasion to call on the chiefs and elders of the community to help promote peace before, during and after this year’s elections. “We must advice our youth to avoid violence as we approach the elections. Ghana needs each and every one of us’ she urges.

The Chief of Wamfie and the Kurontiheneof the Dormaa Traditional Area BarimaAnsuAdjei expressed appreciation to the First Lady for the gesture and thanked President John Mahama for developmental projects in Dormaa and its environs. As Ghana goes to the polls come December 7, BarimaAdjei urged all to be mindful of their utterance to ensure a peaceful elections.

Mrs.Mahama later presented bicycles to the youth in police in Womanafour who were selected by government and given special training to facilitate their patrols.

The First Lady was accompanied by the Minister of Tourism ElizathOwusuAgyare, Minister for Local Government, Collins Dauda, BrongAhafo Regional Minister Eric Opoku, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Vincent OppongAsamoah, NDC Womens Organizer HajiaZaynabMahama and other executives of the NDC.

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