Tuesday 23 August 2016


The First Lady, Mrs. Lordina Mahama continues to save lives of Ghanaians particularly the under privileged by donating medical supplies and equipment to health facilities across the country. 

Most rural clinics and hospitals lacking basic medical equipment to enable them deliver quality healthcare have been supported by the first lady through her foundation, Lordina Foundation with support from Medshare USA. 

The latest of such donations is a partnership of the Lordina and Obuobia Foundation, which donated an ambulance and medical supplies to the Ga South Municipal Hospital in Accra.

At a ceremony to hand over the items to the hospital, the Aspiring NDC Member of Parliament of the Weija Gbawe Constituency, Obuobia Darko Opoku stated that it was her greatest wish to see her constituency and its constituents having the best healthcare especially women and children.  

“I am very convinced that no life should be lost due to lack of any medical equipment, be it oxygen kits, ambulance, hospital beds or anything else” she emphasized.

Madam Obuobia noted that it is by this conviction that she pledged to herself to donate an ambulance and some medical equipment and accessories to the Ga South Municipal hospital which serves as the major health care facility in the whole municipality.

She asserted that “As an individual and a politician, nothing makes me happier than seeing smiles on the faces of others over a simple gesture from me, which goes a long way to transform their lives  and uplift their spirit.”

The Aspiring NDC MP for Weija Gbawe constituency pledged to work with the people in Weija Gbawe constituency to improve the quality of healthcare in the community and make Ga South Municipal Hospital one of the most enviable heath centre beyond the shores of Ghana after she has won the parliamentary elections hopefully.

 According to the Aspiring NDC MP for Weija Gbawe constituency, her foundation, the Obuobia Foundation has engaged in many interventions in the Weija Gbawe Constituency but healthcare has always been a topmost priority.

“On my recent campaign tour to the various electoral areas in the Weija-Gbawe constituency, I heard a very unfortunate and sad story about a pregnant woman who lost a twin at Tetegu because of inadequate access to healthcare” she narrated.

This story she said troubled her and encouraged her to promise the people of her constituency to lobby for CHIPS compound for them. “By God’s grace work has commenced on the project and it’s scheduled to be completed by November 2016” she stated. 

Aside the CHIPS compounds, the foundation has donated a 15,000 litre polytank to the Ga South Municipal Hospital to mitigate routine acute water shortage in the hospital. She also donated wheel chairs and white canes to persons with disabilities in Weija.

“I have reiterated my reasons for going into politics, that’s my passion for humanity. This I know may sound strange to many especially my opponents who think I do all these for political gains but that is far from the truth.” she asserted.
Madam Obuobia believes the donation which forms part of activities to mark her 39th birthday will help save lives of the citizenry and improve healthcare in the constituency.
She commended the first lady who she described as sympathetic and kindhearted for her support to the people of Ghana.

District Health Director of the Ga South Municipal Hospital Dr. Bright Davis Teye indicated that even though Government and the municipal Assembly has contributed significantly to developing health infrastructure in the municipality the hospital which has 583,250 population in its catchment area still has enormous needs.  
He said the municipality will continue to partner with civil organizations to improve healthcare delivery.

Dr. Bright Davis Teye was however thankful to the first lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama and Obuobia Darko Opoku for the donation saying that the ambulance, medical supplies and equipment will go a long way to improve healthcare delivery.

Dzaasetse and Acting Chief of Weija Nii Ogbedada Boafo Danyina-Nse who chaired the occasion commended the aspiring NDC MP for her enormous interventions in the Weija community and its environs. He asked the people to make the right choice come December 7 saying that “It is the person who climbs a good tree that deserves a push".

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