Tuesday 23 August 2016


I just don't understand why the New Patriotic Party is questioning the source of the resource of the first lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama for her charity work. The question is why now? Is it because elections are just around the corner so they are doing this to discredit the first lady in order to win more votes?
Well I have covered activities of the first lady for some time and at every program Mrs Mahama makes mention of her sponsors.  So does this comment from the NPP indicate that they don't pay attention whenever the first lady delivers her speeches or a sign of mischief?

To come to think of it, even if  Mrs lordina Mahama is using public funds to support the less privileged people especially women in the aspect of healthcare, vocational skills development and women empowerment what's wrong with it.    The first lady through her foundation has donated medical supplies and equipment to deprive communities and so far many communities in all regions have benefitted from the donations as well as free medical health screening exercise across the country. 


In her bid to ensure universal access for all the Lordina Foundation has  embarked on medical outreaches . During such events people are screened for breast and cervical cancers, HIV ,Syphilis and other reproductive diseases.

The first lady has also supported artisans associations in the BrongAhafo, Centra, Greater Accra and the Volta regions. This is aimed to empower women who are in the skills industry to start their business.

Putting smiles on the faces of the less privilege is an attribute of the first lady. She has through her foundation has been from time to time been providing orphanages across the country with items, clothing among the rest. Orphanages like Osu ,Anfaani, Bethesda, Tamale, Frankmay and Let the kids smile homes  have benefitted from such donations. Inmates of Princess Marie Louise hospital also have been having their share of the donations.

The federations of the disabled were not left out of the donations. So far the first lady has presented   cartons of wheelchairs and carts to persons living with disability in Western and BrongAhafo regions.

The first lady has facilitated the construction of an Ultramodern Community Information Centre for the Kintampo community and its environs at Ampoma that will serve as an ICT Hub for the community and afford schools in the area access the ICT Lab as well as Internet facilities.

The centre, built by Huawei Technologies Ghana Ltd as part of their corporate social responsibility, is to provide ICT skills training for the Youth of this community. The centre has a 20-seater capacity, a reception area, manager’s office and one other room for training purposes.

As if that was not enough, the first lady  donated school bags and sandals to pupils in some basic schools in Ampomaa in the BrongAhafo region. Pupils in this area normally attended school bare footed.

As part of her activities to support the vulnerable in society, the first lady Dr LordinaMahama has through the help of the Savannah Diamond Company Limited commissioned an ultra modern Kitchen for the Jakpa Roman Catholic primary school in the Chereponi district of the Northern region. The project funded by the Savannah Diamond company limited has seen the light of day due to the intervention of the Lordina Foundation headed by Dr LordinaMahama. The facility will serve as an eatery for the pupils in the catchment area under the school feeding program.

To help address maternal death the First lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama through her foundation and Siemens Ghana donated an Ultra Sound Scanner to the La General hospital to help in diagnosing pregnancy related abnormalities, which could have resulted in unexpected emergency.  With this every pregnancy will be scanned at least three times during pregnancy to enable clinicians to plan delivery ahead of time to reduce maternal deal death.

I can go on and on listing activities that have brought relief to the people of Ghana particularly the less privilege in society.  But at this juncture I wish to say that let's always "push those climbing the good tree" instead of condemning them. You may not need those items but others do . Don't deprive the less privilege in society to equal access to health, quality education and live comfortable as any other Ghanaian in the name of politics.

I wish to commend the first lady for efforts to save lives and put smiles on the faces of all particularly the underprivileged.  Mummy don’t be perturbed by what people are saying but rather continue to do your good works.

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