Wednesday 31 August 2016


  First Lady Mrs. LordinaMahama has stressed the need for society to accept Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS saying that it is no fault of theirs that their parents are living with HIV. 

According to her AIDS orphans have the same equal rights to education, love, and care just as other children. She made the call when she paid a working visit to Womanafo in the Dormaa East District of the BrongAhafo where she supported the District Hospital with medical items and equipment.

Mrs. Mahama noted that AIDS orphans usually face discrimination and neglect from families and society. This she describes as unacceptable; “Children are the hope for the future and are in need of special care and help. AIDS orphans usually face discrimination and neglect from families and society. It is no fault of theirs that their parents are living with HIV. The time has come when families, communities and schools must accept them. ” she stated.
Mrs.LordinaMahama who is the President of the Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV and UNAIDS Premier Global Ambassador, said the rights of children affected by HIV and AIDS to education, health and the freedom to live their dreams is dear to her heart and therefore calls on all to come together to advocate this.

Due to her special attachment to the issues related to AIDS and children, the First Lady in partnership with the Chinese government organized the “Love Under the Sun”  - China Africa summer camp for children orphaned by AIDS.

This saw 10 Ghanaian children orphaned by AIDS joining their colleagues in China to have fun, relax, feel others care for them and improve on their mental and physical health.
She indicated that despite the global successes achieved in the last decade in rolling back HIV and AIDS, the disease remains one of the major public health challenges worldwide. 

“The disease continues to have adverse impact on the lives of children and families with Sub Saharan Africa being the most affected. This calls for the involvement of all to address the issue of HIV.”

As OAFLA President and Premiere AIDS ambassador she said was determined to see Ghana move towards an HIV free future, through the Prevention of Mother-to-Child-Transmission, safe sex and reduction of stigma and also significantly reduce the number of cervical and breast cancers, that occur in the society, by encouraging women to test for HIV and regular breast examination by health professionals.

Many people including children, orphans, vulnerable women, the disabled, artisans and many more through the Lordina foundation have been affected positively. 

The president of the foundation, Mrs.Mahamasaid “at the Lordina Foundation, we are determined to continue with our work and would do so as long as we continue to enjoy the support of our sponsors. I assure you that Lordina Foundation will continue organizing, with the support of Medshare USA and other sponsors, more medical delegations and provide more medical supplies to Ghanaians to improve healthcare delivery across the country”.

As she has done everywhere she went, she used the occasion to call on the chiefs and elders of the community to help promote peace before, during and after this year’s elections. “We must advice our youth to avoid violence as we approach the elections. Ghana needs each and every one of us’ she urges.

The Chief of Wamfie and the Kurontiheneof the Dormaa Traditional Area BarimaAnsuAdjei expressed appreciation to the First Lady for the gesture and thanked President John Mahama for developmental projects in Dormaa and its environs. As Ghana goes to the polls come December 7, BarimaAdjei urged all to be mindful of their utterance to ensure a peaceful elections.

Mrs.Mahama later presented bicycles to the youth in police in Womanafour who were selected by government and given special training to facilitate their patrols.

The First Lady was accompanied by the Minister of Tourism ElizathOwusuAgyare, Minister for Local Government, Collins Dauda, BrongAhafo Regional Minister Eric Opoku, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Vincent OppongAsamoah, NDC Womens Organizer HajiaZaynabMahama and other executives of the NDC.


 Turkey has hit out at the United States over criticism of its ongoing role in the conflict in Syria.
Turkish forces have targeted so-called Islamic State (IS) inside Syria, but have also gone after Kurdish fighters in the same region.

The pursuit of Kurdish forces, whom Ankara considers terrorists, has led to criticism by the United States.

Ankara summoned the US ambassador today over comments the foreign ministry called "unacceptable".
A US military spokesman and expressed hopes that, rather than see Turkey pursue Kurdish fighters, "all parties involved are going to stop shooting at each other and focus" on IS.

"Turkey is a sovereign state, it is a legitimate state," said EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik, echoing comment by Turkey's foreign ministry.
"To suggest it is on a par with a terrorist organisation and suggest there are talks between them, that a deal has been reached between them, this is unacceptable."

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that "operations will continue until all terrorist elements have been neutralised, until all threats to our borders, our lands and our citizens are completely over".


Members of the United Cadres Front of Ghana are calling for the removal of the outgoing Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev. Professor Emmanuel Martey from the National Peace Council. 

 According to a statement signed by the Secretary of the Group Efanam Felix Nyaku, "any person who is serving as a peace-maker, and also a leading member of a highly acclaimed Church cannot be so controversial, reckless and irresponsible in his dealing with the state"  just as Rev. Professor Martey is doing. 
The statement noted that members have come to the conclusion that Rev Martey does not merit to be a member of the Peace Council of Ghana and therefore must be withdrawn.

Their call for the withdrawal comes after Rev Prof Emmanuel Martey, alleged that some politicians attempted to bribe him, in an effort to gag him from commenting on issues of national concern.

According to the man whose tenure as the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church comes to an end in December this year the baits were a $100, 000 cash and a promise to provide him with a mansion at Trasaaco, together with a V8 vehicle,

Below is the full statement.

Members of the United Cadres Front of Ghana have followed the actions and utterances of the just out-gone Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rev. Prof. Martey, and have come to the conclusion that he does not merit to be a member of the Peace Council of Ghana, and should therefore be withdrawn from that august body of state.
Any person who is serving as a peace-maker, and also a leading member of a highly acclaimed Church cannot be so controversial, reckless and irresponsible in his dealing with the state.
We are very apprehensive with Rev. Prof. Martey on the grounds that he has waited from 2013 till 2016 to reveal that an attempt to bribe him by some politicians was rejected; a position which in itself promotes the perpetuation of corruption and corrupt practices; a canker we all have resolved to fight head on.
Though we acknowledge the right of Rev. Prof. Martey to comment on issues that bother on public and national interest, we expect that persons of high moral ground, like him, should not fail to mention names of potential perpetrators of crimes such as corruption aimed to save the nation from such often-talked about vices.
We also call on the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to excommunicate the former Moderator from the Church to save its envious reputation and image built over decades and led by men and women of tried and tested morality and candor.

Secretary, IMC of Ghana
31st August, 2016

Tuesday 30 August 2016


The First lady Mrs Lordina Mahama has advocated community health education as a major to tool to prevent outbreak of diseases and promotion of good health. 

According to the first lady poor health status is a cause and consequences of poverty, hence all must be educated on how to stay healthy. She therefore called on stakeholders in the health sector as well as health practitioners to go round communities educating the people on how to stay health. This way She believes diseases will be prevented instead of curing.

The first made the call when she interacted and donated items to the people of NkranKwanta in the Dormaa West District and Nsoatre in the Sungai West District all in the the Brong Ahafo Region.

Being driven by the fact that no life must be lost due to lack necessary medical supplies and equipment, the first lady through the lordina Foundation has provided health facilities with some basic equipment and medical supplies needed to ensure healthcare delivery.  So far many districts in all ten regions of Ghana has benefited from such donations made possible by MEDSHARE USA.

Though the First lady for some time now has faced criticisms from the opposition New Patriotic Party it seems the mother of the nation will not saving lives.
Addressing a gathering prior to the donation, the first lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama noted that Ghanaians risk of not receiving quality healthcare if hospitals lack the basic equipment to provide equipment to provide quality services.

She said “We as a country must work against losing lifes due to lack of necessary medical supplies and equipment”.
The First lady said even though government is committed to improving healthcare facilities across the country, it needs the support of all. 

The chief of Amasu Dormaa, Barima Dei Kusi Gyabaah in a welcome address commended the first lady and the NDC government for the development that it has brought to the community.

He mentioned developmental projects such as schools, markets, light, place of convenience   and roads. He however appealed to the government to open the border between Nkrankwanta and Cote d’voire since it generates much revenues . Reacting to the appeal the Deputy Minister for Sport Vincent Oppong Asamoah said the minister of trade has written letter to the Ghana Revenue Authority instructing them to open the boarder so they are waiting for the Ghana Revenue authority to formally write to them.

At Nsoatre , the first lady asserted that the provision of equipment and logistics and training of qualified healthcare personnel by government combined with the National Health Insurance Scheme is providing a favourable health outcome for many people in Ghana. 

“The NHIS has grown rapidly and experienced a dramatic increase in outpatient visitation. This was put at over 29 million in 2014, with over 1billion paid out to health institution against claims made” she noted.
According to the first lady Governments over the years has invested a lot in providing these critical social services for its citizens. Equipment and logistics for these healthcare facilities are being provided. 

“The development of a nation depends on the health of the people. Government has therefore invested a lot of resources, into constructing more hospitals, and expanding health facilities, and retooling them, across the country. Simply because the government appreciates the importance of a healthy population to economic development” she stated.

Dr. Lordina Mahama indicated that Government cannot achieve its vision of “health for all” by itself unless organizations and individuals and stakeholders in the health sector complements government’s efforts.

The DCE for Nsoatre, Agnes Kusi commended the first lady and her husband President John Mahama for massive development in the area.  She mentioned, markets, schools, roads among others.
On the issue of a new University in Nsotre, the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister assured people that the drawing of the site plan for the construction of the new university for nsoatre is ongoing. 
The District Health Directors of Nkrankwanta and Nsoatre hospitals, Veronica Asamoah Torto and Charlotte Adu Gyamfi thanked the first lady for the gesture saying it will go a long way to aid them in the discharge of their duties.
The first lady was accompanied by the Minister of Tourism Elizath Owusu Agyare, Minister for Local Government, Collins Dauda, NDC Womens Organizer Hajia Zenab and other executive members of the NDC.

Tuesday 23 August 2016


I just don't understand why the New Patriotic Party is questioning the source of the resource of the first lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama for her charity work. The question is why now? Is it because elections are just around the corner so they are doing this to discredit the first lady in order to win more votes?
Well I have covered activities of the first lady for some time and at every program Mrs Mahama makes mention of her sponsors.  So does this comment from the NPP indicate that they don't pay attention whenever the first lady delivers her speeches or a sign of mischief?

To come to think of it, even if  Mrs lordina Mahama is using public funds to support the less privileged people especially women in the aspect of healthcare, vocational skills development and women empowerment what's wrong with it.    The first lady through her foundation has donated medical supplies and equipment to deprive communities and so far many communities in all regions have benefitted from the donations as well as free medical health screening exercise across the country. 


In her bid to ensure universal access for all the Lordina Foundation has  embarked on medical outreaches . During such events people are screened for breast and cervical cancers, HIV ,Syphilis and other reproductive diseases.

The first lady has also supported artisans associations in the BrongAhafo, Centra, Greater Accra and the Volta regions. This is aimed to empower women who are in the skills industry to start their business.

Putting smiles on the faces of the less privilege is an attribute of the first lady. She has through her foundation has been from time to time been providing orphanages across the country with items, clothing among the rest. Orphanages like Osu ,Anfaani, Bethesda, Tamale, Frankmay and Let the kids smile homes  have benefitted from such donations. Inmates of Princess Marie Louise hospital also have been having their share of the donations.

The federations of the disabled were not left out of the donations. So far the first lady has presented   cartons of wheelchairs and carts to persons living with disability in Western and BrongAhafo regions.

The first lady has facilitated the construction of an Ultramodern Community Information Centre for the Kintampo community and its environs at Ampoma that will serve as an ICT Hub for the community and afford schools in the area access the ICT Lab as well as Internet facilities.

The centre, built by Huawei Technologies Ghana Ltd as part of their corporate social responsibility, is to provide ICT skills training for the Youth of this community. The centre has a 20-seater capacity, a reception area, manager’s office and one other room for training purposes.

As if that was not enough, the first lady  donated school bags and sandals to pupils in some basic schools in Ampomaa in the BrongAhafo region. Pupils in this area normally attended school bare footed.

As part of her activities to support the vulnerable in society, the first lady Dr LordinaMahama has through the help of the Savannah Diamond Company Limited commissioned an ultra modern Kitchen for the Jakpa Roman Catholic primary school in the Chereponi district of the Northern region. The project funded by the Savannah Diamond company limited has seen the light of day due to the intervention of the Lordina Foundation headed by Dr LordinaMahama. The facility will serve as an eatery for the pupils in the catchment area under the school feeding program.

To help address maternal death the First lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama through her foundation and Siemens Ghana donated an Ultra Sound Scanner to the La General hospital to help in diagnosing pregnancy related abnormalities, which could have resulted in unexpected emergency.  With this every pregnancy will be scanned at least three times during pregnancy to enable clinicians to plan delivery ahead of time to reduce maternal deal death.

I can go on and on listing activities that have brought relief to the people of Ghana particularly the less privilege in society.  But at this juncture I wish to say that let's always "push those climbing the good tree" instead of condemning them. You may not need those items but others do . Don't deprive the less privilege in society to equal access to health, quality education and live comfortable as any other Ghanaian in the name of politics.

I wish to commend the first lady for efforts to save lives and put smiles on the faces of all particularly the underprivileged.  Mummy don’t be perturbed by what people are saying but rather continue to do your good works.