Wednesday 15 June 2016


The late mother of President John Dramani Mahama, Hajia Abiba Nnaba is likely to be buried on Friday at her hometown of Busunu near Damongo or Bole, all in the Northern Region. 

According to Michael Mahama who is a brother of President Mahama, the elders of their families will meet by tomorrow to take a decision on the day and place their mother would be buried after consultations among the two families and that the family also await the arrival of their elder brother Mr Alfred Mahama and younger brother Mr Ibraihim Mahama who are both currently outside Ghana. 

In accordance to Gonja Tradition, a delegation from Bole made up of late E.A.  Mahama's family and chiefs representing the Bolewura, as well as the DCE's for Bole and Sawla-Tuna-Kalba were sent to Busunu to officially inform the family of Hajia Abiba Nnaba and the Busunuwura about her passing on.

The E.A. Mahama family and the Bole Chiefs led by the Tunawura also requested for the burial of their wife and mother Hajia Abiba Nnaba to take place at Bole where her late husband E.A. Mahama hails from but the late Hajia Abiba's family and the Busunuwura turned down the request saying the late Hajia Abiba Nnaba should be buried in Busunu.

The delegation of the Bolewura and the E.A. Mahama family are on their way to Bole to brief the Bolewura and the E.A. Mahama family about the outcome of their visit to Busunu.

Meanwhile people from all walks of life thronged the Tesano Apenkwa residence of E.A. Mahama (father of President Mahama) to commiserate with the family members in Accra. 

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