Thursday 2 June 2016


First Lady Lordina Mahama has called on countries to prioritise child health services. 

Speaking at the an event to organized by the First Lady of Cote D’Ivoire, Mrs. Dominique Ouattara to present items to General Hospital of Yopougon in Abidjan, Dr. Mahama noted that children are the future leaders hence must be given all the care and attention to grow into responsible adults. 

"As a mother, when it comes to children and their education and health, I am very passionate and concerned".

"I can only encourage you, my sister, to keep up with your support and advocacy for the women and children of Cote D’Ivoire" she advised. 

Mrs Mahama emphasized that children brought to the hospital must be given urgent medication.  

"Development of our countries depends on the health of our people, and that begins with each family. We have to improve the general well being of vulnerable populations especially children and women" she stated.

The First Lady indicated that her organization, the Lordina Foundation, has been supporting health facilities in rural communities to help with good service delivery to women and children. 

"With support of MedShare USA, we have supported facilities with vital medical supplies and equipment, to supplement government’s effort" she noted.

She commended her colleague First Lady Mrs Quattara for her passion to bring hope to the poor and needy. 

" I share the same passion and over the years, I have dedicated myself to helping to lift up the poor and vulnerable in my country. Just like you, Madam Ouattara, I support many needy students, and provide comfort to thousands of orphans". 

Mrs Mahama commended the medical officers and other personnel of the hospital for their hard work and commitment. She advised them to continue to work hard.

She entreated the people to take their health very seriously by visiting the hospital or health centre, not only when they are sick. They should also go for check ups, and do what the health officials tell them to keep stay healthy and alive. 

The First Lady expressed her commitment, as a mother and First Lady, towards the improvement of healthcare delivery systems and also to ensure a reduction and elimination of maternal and infant deaths. 

After presenting items, including Office desk and chairs, computer, wheelchairs, Baby cots and carriers, ward partition stands, diapers, Ghana Chocolate; rice grown and packed in Ghana; drinks and hospital clothing among other things to the hospital, the two First Ladies toured the maternity and paediatric wards of the hospital to interact with the children and women on admission.

The First Lady of Cote D’Ivoire also commended Mrs. Mahama for her selfless service to humanity and urged her to continue to her support for the vulnerable and the less privileged.

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