Friday 14 October 2016


First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama has reiterated the need for all stakeholders, opinion leaders and parents to join forces with government to combat human trafficking and worst forms of child labour. 
Speaking at a ceremony to present medical supplies and equipment to the Ghana Consolidated Diamond Hospital in Akwatia and Asamankese Government Hospital ,both in the eastern Region, Mrs.Mahama noted that in as much government has put in place measures to end human trafficking and worst forms of child labour it is time when  parents and other stakeholders place importance on the education and the welfare of children   and  support them to become responsible citizens  instead of giving them out to be engaged in forced labour. 

The First lady indicated that the aim of maximizing profit encourages people to use child labour, instead of paying the minimum wage to adult labourers.  “Children instead of being in schools find themselves engaged in farming, mining, fishing and other adult occupations to make ends meet. This is not acceptable” she said.

Being so worried about how child labour is destroying the future of children First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama last month collaborated with her Ivorian Counterpart, Madam Dominique Quattara to fight against cross border trafficking in children and the worst forms of child labour in their respective countries by signing  a joint declaration to this effect.

The First Lady asserted that “Human trafficking including rape, forced marriage among others, are the worst form of human violations and crimes against humanity”.

In order to ensure development in Akwatia and its environs, Mrs. Mahama appeal to opinion leaders and all the influential persons in the area to offer the needed support towards preserving ecosystem and clean environment, that has the additional benefit of making them healthy as well as making healthcare delivery in this community, a success.

As a mother of the nation the First lady called on the chiefs and elders to advice politicians, especially the youth, to eschew violence and promote peace in the country as December elections approach.

Osaberima Kofi Boateng ,Akwatiahene commended government for developmental projects ongoing in the community but appealed to government to construct a bridge for Akwatiaman. He was grateful for the donation of the medical supplies and equipment to the Ghana Consolidated Diamond Hospital,Akwatia.

Receiving the items, Medical Superintendent of the Hospital Dr. John Bello said the hospital even though serve a large catchment area has lots of challenges including infrastructural and inadequate staff capacity. He expressed gratitude to the first lady for the donation assuring her that the items will be put to good use. Dr.  Bello called on other stakeholders to emulate the first lady by donating to the hospital.

From the Ghana Consolidated Diamond Hospital in Akwatia the First Lady  proceeded to Asamankese Government Hospital where stated that a special focus on empowering girls and women will not only lead to the development of the country, but also the global sustainable development goals. According to her, women are educated and financially independent they are able to contribute to the development of the country. 

The First lady MrsLordina Mahama noted that the Lordina Foundation believe that education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. In line with this vision, the Lordina Foundation has been empowering women in skills development and education. 

Starts up kits have been given to people across the country to start businesses whiles schools have benefited from donation of educational materials and clothing. The Lordina Foundation has facilitated the construction of ICT centers, Dining halls among others.
The First lady asserted that women are the backbone of every family and play a vital role in the development of a nation hence they must be empowered.

“The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is highly important and essential for the achievement of, not only the development of the country but also the global sustainable development goals”’ she asserted.
She expressed the need for all to join forces to empower our women making them relevant in society and nation building.
The First lady indicated that the donation to Asamankese Government Hospital marks an ongoing activity of my foundation to support communities, women and children across the country.  
“’ I fully understand how important health is to the development and well-being of the people of Asamankese and I understand better what a well-functioning hospital means for them. The need to support your hospital is critical because Asamankese is one of the busiest commercial towns in the Eastern region Being a busy market centre means that the hospital needs more resources to be able to cope with the demand for its services ”’ the first lady stated.
Stating the goal of the Lordina Foundation which  is to help save lives in our hospitals and to support the government to achieve its vision of health all she was delighted that the government has come up with a healthcare mix of CHIPS compounds, mobile vans called “Onuado” in addition to other health facilities thus bringing healthcare delivery to the doorstep of the people.

Osaberima Adu Darko .Asamankesehene added his voice in praise of the government for the ongoing developmental projects in the country and Asamankese community. He expressed appreciation to the first Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama for the donations . As Ghana goes to the polls come December 7, Osaberima Adu Darko III advised the people of Ghanaians especially the youth and  politicians to be mindful of their utterances in order to have a peaceful elections.

For her part the Eastern Regional Minister Mavis Frimpong praised the first lady for her philanthropic work which has taken her in all regions across the country. She described her as  a mother for all who is much concern about the welfare of her people especially women and children.

Earlier the First Lady passed through the Saint Roses Senior High School where she interacted with the students. She advised the students to take their studies seriously and make their books their friends.
The First lady was accompanied by the Eastern Regional Minister Mavis Frimpong, Baaba Jamal Member of Parliament of the area and some   executives of the National Democratic Party.

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