Friday 14 October 2016


The First lady her Excellency Lordina Mahama has done nothing bad than to put smiles on faces of people, save lives, and make women financially independent.

Through her foundation, the Lordina Foundation, with support from her sponsors, Mrs. Mahama has supported many artisans, health facilities, students, and orphanages across the country.

Is it that people cannot see all these things or are refusing to appreciate Mrs. Mahama for her good works?

I find it hard to belief the accusation that the First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama is only interested in the development of the the Brong Ahafo Region where she comes from as claimed by the wife of the flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party Mrs. Rebecca AkuffoAddo.

I have travelled with the First Lady on several occasions to present items to many communities across the regions. I can boldly say there is no region, which has not benefited from such donations and developmental projects.
Being guided by its core mandate, the Lordina Foundation donation is geared towards skills development, children and women empowerment, supporting the less privileged in society etc.

Mrs Lordina Mahama showing love to a child on admission at the Princess Marie Louise Childrens Hospital.

The First Lady for instance has provided health facilities across the country with medical supplies and equipment. She believes no life must be lost as a result of lack of necessary equipment in hospitals. She has been to Ussher, Mamprobi, Kpone, Prapram , La General Hospital all in the greater Accra region. Similar donations have been done in Ashanti, Volta, Western, Eastern, Central, Northern Region, Upper East and West.

First Lady Dr Lordina Mahama presenting items to the Mamprobi Polyclinic, looking on is Fritz Baffour, the MP for Ablekuma South

In line with her commitment to improve health service delivery, First Lady, Lordina Mahama, donated an ambulance to the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital in Accra .

Dr Lordina Mahama presents wheel chairs, medical supplies and equipment to the Mampong Government hospital

Nana Lordina Mahama presenting Medical items to St Joseph Orthopaedic Hospital in the Eastern Region

First Lady hands over medical supplies and equipment to the Bomfa Achiase Health Center in the Ashanti region
In line with her commitment to improve health service delivery, First Lady, Mrs. Lordina Mahama, donated an ambulance to the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital in Accra
First Lady Lordina Mahama making a presentation at Kpone Health Centre and received by Acting District Health Director, Mrs Patience Ami Mamattah

   Nana Dr Lordina Mahama presenting items to Savelugu hospital in the Northen Region

         First Lady presenting medical items to the Ketu South Municipal Hospital at Aflao in the Volta Region


Putting smiles on the faces of the less privilege is an attribute of the First Lady. She has through her foundation, from time to time.been providing orphanages across the country with food items, clothing among the rest. Orphanages like Osu Children’s home in greater Accra, Anfaani in Tamale, Christ Faith Orphanage in Fafraha Accra, have benefitted from such donations. Inmates of Princess Marie Louise hospital in Accra also have been having their share of the donations. She is facilitating accommodation for toddlers at the Osu Children’s home and Anfani orphanage in Tamale.
These is in addition to lot of scholarships she has facilitated for needy students across the ten regions of Ghana.

                         First Lady interacting with  the Kids at Tamale Children’s Home  the Northern Region.

First Lady Dr Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting items to the Osu Childrens Home
Faith Orphanage Home in Fafraha receiving items from the First Lady

The mother of the nation playing with a boy at the Anfani orphanage

Accommodation for toddlers project for the Osu Children's Home facilitated by  Mrs Lordina Mahama

Being passionate about people with disability, Mrs. Lordina Mahama who is the patron of the Akropong School for the Blind has been supporting the school and other people living with disability.
The federations of the disabled were not left out of the donations. So far the first lady has presented   cartons of wheelchairs and carts to persons living with disability in Western Region.

Mrs Lordina Mahama in a picture with some students of the Akropong School for the blind after she donated items to the school

First lady presenting sun cream to  albinos when she meet with the Federation of the Disabled in Takoradi.

 First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama helping a disabled boy to drive a cart after she donated cartons of walking aid and wheel chairs to the Federation of the Disabled  in Takoradi.

As part of her activities to support the vulnerable in society, the First Lady Dr. Lordina Mahama has through the help of the Savannah Diamond Company Limited commissioned an ultra modern Kitchen for the Jakpa Roman Catholic primary school in the Chereponi district of the Northern region. The project funded by the Savannah Diamond company limited has seen the light of day due to the intervention of the Lordina Foundation headed by Dr LordinaMahama. The facility will serve as an eatery for the pupils in the catchment area under the school feeding program.
First lady waving the pupils after she commissioned an ultra modern Kitchen for the Jakpa Roman Catholic primary school in the Chereponi district of the Northern region

With skills development, the First Lady has donated startup kits to Hairdressers Beauticians, Tailors, masons, carpenters (Artisans), in the greater Accra, Ashanti, Central, Western, Volta, Northern, upper East and West Regions.

First Lady presenting Hair Dryer To Graduating Apprentise of the National Association of Beauticians in Accra.

Nana Dr Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting sewing machines to the Association of Hairdresser, Tailors and Barbers at Cape Coast

First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting a chain saw to the Association of Carpenters in the Volta Region.

First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting working tools to the National Association of Beautician in Accra.

In her bid to ensure universal access for all the Lordina Foundation has embarked on medical outreaches across the ten regions of the country. During such events people are screened for breast and cervical cancers, HIV,Syphilis and other reproductive diseases. Health screening has also been organized across the ten regions of the country.
First lady interacting with some people who took part in the health screening organized at Mampong

First Lady Dr Lordina Mahama giving a condom to a  woman during a health screening in Accra
Dr Lordina Mahama interacting with some nurses when her foundation organized a health screen for the people of Agortime-Kpotoe

Her Excellency Mrs Lordina Mahama interacting with some patients duing a health screening organised for the people of Winneba

The Gamabaga Witches Camp also benefited from the First Lady's philanthropies work. Aside donations of food items, the First lady is facilitating a vocation School with accommodations for the inmate and their children.
First lady Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting items to the late  leader of the Witches Camp.
Vocational Institute project facilitated by Mrs Lordina Mahama at Gambaga

For the first time in the history of Ghana, the First Lady donated items and medical supplies  to the Nsawam Medium Prison.

 Nana Dr Mrs. Lordina Mahama presenting some items to the Nsawam Medium Security Prison.

The Nsawam Medium Security  Prison infirmary also received some medical supplies form the Lordina Foundation

I can go on and on listing regions who have benefited from the First Lady’s Donation but at this juncture I wish to urged all women especially wives of Flag bearers of political parties to be agents of peace instead of making comments that will bring about violence and tribal tension.
Women are known to be peacemakers so let us exhibit that by engaging in activities that will not endanger the peace of this country.

Some student nurses could not hide their joy when theymet the first Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama in the Ashanti Region.

Let us remind ourselves that politics is not about lies and insult but about telling the good people what you can do for them, and they decide who to vote for.
I commend the First Lady for her philanthropic works and the manner in which she carries out her activities. You are in need a mother for all.

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