Sunday 30 October 2016


For her supportive role as a wife of the President and her reaction to social and health issues particularly relating to women and children, the First Lady, Mrs. Lordina Mahama has been honored with the OSAGYEFO PAN AFRICA EMINENCE AWARDS FOR 2016 with the Most Charismatic and Influential First Lady of the year award by the Confederation of Governance Assessment Institute.

The First Lady’s Foundation, the Lordina Foundation was also honored with the Best Charitable Foundation in Africa award.

 Mrs. Mahama’s recognition came as a result of her persistent interest in humanitarian, health and social issues for many years.

A citation presented to the First Lady proclaimed “Her Excellency Lordina Mahama has been undoubtedly the most charismatic and influential First Lady in Africa sub region for the past years apparent in the significant supportive role she plays as a wife of the President of a republic where expectations and demands are too overwhelming to anyone who holds that office. Her Excellency Lordina Mahama’s reactions to public issues and commentaries depicts her charismatic nature and the influence she has on the citizenry especially girl-child. Her Excellency Lordina Mahama’s advocate against child marriage, child labour, breast and cervical cancer, HIV prevention and adolescent sexual reproductive health has been phenomenal within these past years’’.
The First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama’s nationwide medical supplies to health facilities in all ten regions of the country, her support and efforts to help prevent breast and cervical cancers and HIV in Ghana, her dedication and determination to provide shelter and vocational training for the inmates and residence of the Gambaga Witches Camp, coupled with her adoption of several orphanages across Ghana and constantly providing them with food, clothing and other essentials all contributed to her recognition and award.

Recognizing the need to assist people who are engaged in vocational training to expand their businesses and improve upon their income-earning capacity as providing skills and vocational training, to create opportunities for girls and women Mrs Mahama added support to artisans to the modules of the Lordina Foundation of which she is the President.

Mrs. Lordina Mahama earlier this year launched a campaign to end child marriage at the sidelines of the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights held in Accra.

Recently the First lady joined her colleague Ivorian First Lady to sign a joint declaration to fight against human trafficking and worst forms of child labour.

These are efforts geared towards making life comfortable for the citizenry especially women and children and it’s not surprising that the Lordina Foundation was honored the Best Charitable Foundation in Africa.

A citation presented to the foundation stated, “Lordina Foundation has proven itself to be the most passionate and vibrant foundation for the most vulnerable in Africa. Its quest of having compassion on the needy and aiding them in all aspect of life earned them this accolade’’.

The Lordina Foundation, since it was launched, has focused on its primary objective, which is to cater for destitute and vulnerable children and women so as to bridge the gap between the fortunate and the unfortunate, particularly in areas of education, healthcare and vocational training. With the help of its sponsors the foundation has done significantly and enormous donations to individuals and organizations across the country.

Thursday 27 October 2016


The National Democratic Party (NDP) says it is heading back to court to enforce its rights which it believes the Electoral Commission (EC) has blatantly violated leading the eventual disqualification of the party's Presidential Candidate.

An Accra High Court has struck out an application filed by flagbearer of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings who was seeking a judicial review of the Electoral Commissions decision to disqualify her from contesting the 2016 elections and also an infringement on her human rights due to that decision. According to the court the rules governing the application for a judicial review is different from that of enforcement of human rights hence the two cannot be filed as one case.

But a statement  signed by the party's General Secretary, Mohammed Frimpong issued said the lawyers have been instructed to immediately file another action.

“We have therefore instructed our lawyers to immediately file an action to enforce our rights that we believe the Electoral Commission has blatantly violated leading to its decision not to accept our Nomination Forms and then disqualify our candidates from contesting in the 2016 Presidential Elections,” the statement said.

It further indicated the party’s preparedness to fight to get the right thing done by the EC. “We assure all Ghanaians and our teeming supporters that this matter is not over, not by a long shot. We shall continue to fight to ensure that persons in public offices respect the Constitution of the land and laws that are passed to protect ordinary citizens from arbitrariness, capriciousness and prejudice, and actions that breach the due process of law and requirements imposed by law.”


Market women across the country have benefited from two-day training programme on women empowerment.
Businesses in the non-formal sector contribute significantly to the growth of the economy and more women working in the informal sector are women.
Notwithstanding the important role market women play in the country there are some gaps that hinders their progress.

 To address these gaps, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection organized the first ever National Market Women Conference in Accra to empower and build the capacity of market women to enable them advance their welfare.

The Conference which was part of a series of conferences being held across some selected regions in the country to empower market women for economic prosperity saw participants educated on how to use technology to access markets, such as mobile phones, effective trading, financial literacy, business development trainings, setting up of micro-credit schemes, taxation, health and sanitary concerns in markets, and sexual harassment at market places.

Speaking at the conference, the First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama noted that if Ghana is able to tackle gender inequality; it will enhance greater economic productivity, and improve opportunities for the next generation, and make policies and regulations friendlier for the small stall operator.

She stated that the Food and Agriculture Organization, of the United Nations, estimates that if women had the same access to productive resources as men, they could increase yields on their farms, by 20 to 30 percent. This she believes will help bring about prosperity, and reduced hunger in Ghana and indeed globally.

‘’Let us break down barriers limiting women’s growth, and empowerment, and increase opportunities for women, to contribute to the country’s economic growth’’ she said.

The First Lady asserted that markets play an important role, in the socio-economic life of people, as they facilitate the exchange of goods and services, create employment, and serve as a major source of revenue for many local authorities in developing countries.

She argues that the small market stalls operated from various markets are at the heart of the country’s economy, and therefore cannot be neglected by policymakers.

She said Government is engaged currently, in modernizing most of the traditional markets in the country, and improving the general environment in which traders work.

“Government is committed to establishing avenues for women, to access financial resources to invest in their businesses. There is therefore a commitment to elevate businesses of women, from micro to small and medium scale enterprise level, through an increase in their access to credit’’ she said.

Mrs. Mahama noted that with more opportunities to start and manage viable business, greater access to land, education and skills development, and more opportunities to participate in decision-making, women could pull themselves out of poverty, and improve their quality of life of their families and communities.

She stressed that government considers women’s economic empowerment, a key priority, in the development agenda, and views it as fundamental in addressing problems, like poverty and gender-based violence.

Mrs. Mahama announced that Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), intends to support over fifteen thousand (15,000) people, in the small and medium scale enterprises sector, in addition to disbursing funds to over two hundred thousand (200,000) people, engaged in food-crop farming and food marketing.

For her part, Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, said market women must be equipped with the required skills and information to help them pull themselves out of poverty to improve the quality of their lives, that of their families and communities.

Prior to that, she said the market women are being train to manage viable business, to secure greater access to land, and to maximise opportunities around them.

Nana Oye Lithur announced that about 200 market women in the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Greater Accra regions have undergone practical training in financial management, leadership, use of technology to enhance work, basic healthcare and many others.

President of the Greater Accra Market Women Association, Mercy Nii Djan expressed gratitude to government for his effort to improve various markets all over the country. She also thanked the Gender Minister for her unrelenting efforts to bring the issues of concern to market women to the fore including soliciting their contributions for national policies such as the new Gender Policy.

Madam Mercy Nii Djan called for partnership between market associations and assemblies and other potential institutional partners in the public as well as the formal private sectors.

On behalf of the Market Women, Madam Mercy Djan presented a communiqué detailing their concerns to the Gender Ministry.

Monday 17 October 2016


 The First lady Mrs Lordina Mahama has stressed the need for parents, leaders of various communities and other stakeholders in the education sector to prioritize girl child education. This according to her is the best way they can be empowered to become relevant in society.

Mrs Mahama made the call when she addressed the people of New Akrade during the installation of Madam Hiene as Tufuhemaa of the area with a stool name Nana Lako I.

According to the World Bank, better-educated women tend to be healthier than uneducated women, they participate more in formal labor market, and they earn higher incomes, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and enable better healthcare and education for their children.
The first lady asserted that, it is better for society when the girl child is educated and entreated all to give their wards the best education.

‘’It is about the education of your children especially the girl child. Girl child education has several benefits for both parents and society. Girl education is a strategic development priority’’ she said
Mrs. Mahama noted that women are entitled to live with dignity and with freedom from want and from fear adding that gender equality is also a precondition for advancing development and reducing poverty: 

 "Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities, and they improve prospects for the next generation’’.
Mrs. Mahama stated that the Lordina Foundation has been working to eradicate ignorance, disease and poverty especially among vulnerable women and children through the donation of items to build their capacity and to give them sustainable means of livelihood in order that they will be liberated from the clutches of poverty. 

 The Lordina foundation has made several donations to hospitals in all ten regions of the country in an attempt to compliment government efforts in meeting the healthcare needs of Ghanaians. It has also identified women and children as belonging to the vulnerable groups of society and has supported them.
The First Lady was happy that the country is on the verge of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (now Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) on maternal mortality.  

The First lady congratulated Nana Lako for her enstoolment and urged her to always show leadership capabilities by stepping in to hold the community together any time there is a misunderstanding.
"Women in leadership positions have always acted as mediators, consultants, advisors, source of wisdom and a uniting force.It is hoped that you would undertake the task ahead of you with enthusiasm, hard work and dedication to bring about the positive change in this community, especially to women and children’’ she added.

She called on all to work together to make this year’s elections peaceful so that all can continue on the path of development that we wish for ourselves. “We must be mindful of the fact that Ghana is the only country we have. We must all endeavor to do well to maintain it as a united country for posterity.”
She pledge her unflinching support to Nana Lako and assist her in her endeavor to make the desired impact in her new role. She called on the youth to support Abrewa Lako with whatever laudable project she comes out with.

The Akradehene Nana Okrukata V thanked the first lady for witnessing the enstoolment but appealed to her to return to the town to witness the grand Dunbar of the Breduru festival which comes off October 22. He appealed to all to be agents of peace as Ghana prepares to go to polls come December 7. He advised them to leave the polling station and return to their homes as soon as they cast their votes on Election Day.

The Eastern Regional Minister Mavis Frimpong also commended the First lady for her good works and also thanked her for her continuous support to health facilities in the eastern Region. She congratulated the newly enstooled Tufuhemaa Abrewaa Lako I.

The Newly enstooled Tufuhemaa and queen mother of New Akrade is known in private life as Madam Rose Hiene. She runs her own business enterprise in London, which has provided employment and training to many young people in the UK.

Friday 14 October 2016


First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama has reiterated the need for all stakeholders, opinion leaders and parents to join forces with government to combat human trafficking and worst forms of child labour. 
Speaking at a ceremony to present medical supplies and equipment to the Ghana Consolidated Diamond Hospital in Akwatia and Asamankese Government Hospital ,both in the eastern Region, Mrs.Mahama noted that in as much government has put in place measures to end human trafficking and worst forms of child labour it is time when  parents and other stakeholders place importance on the education and the welfare of children   and  support them to become responsible citizens  instead of giving them out to be engaged in forced labour. 

The First lady indicated that the aim of maximizing profit encourages people to use child labour, instead of paying the minimum wage to adult labourers.  “Children instead of being in schools find themselves engaged in farming, mining, fishing and other adult occupations to make ends meet. This is not acceptable” she said.

Being so worried about how child labour is destroying the future of children First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama last month collaborated with her Ivorian Counterpart, Madam Dominique Quattara to fight against cross border trafficking in children and the worst forms of child labour in their respective countries by signing  a joint declaration to this effect.

The First Lady asserted that “Human trafficking including rape, forced marriage among others, are the worst form of human violations and crimes against humanity”.

In order to ensure development in Akwatia and its environs, Mrs. Mahama appeal to opinion leaders and all the influential persons in the area to offer the needed support towards preserving ecosystem and clean environment, that has the additional benefit of making them healthy as well as making healthcare delivery in this community, a success.

As a mother of the nation the First lady called on the chiefs and elders to advice politicians, especially the youth, to eschew violence and promote peace in the country as December elections approach.

Osaberima Kofi Boateng ,Akwatiahene commended government for developmental projects ongoing in the community but appealed to government to construct a bridge for Akwatiaman. He was grateful for the donation of the medical supplies and equipment to the Ghana Consolidated Diamond Hospital,Akwatia.

Receiving the items, Medical Superintendent of the Hospital Dr. John Bello said the hospital even though serve a large catchment area has lots of challenges including infrastructural and inadequate staff capacity. He expressed gratitude to the first lady for the donation assuring her that the items will be put to good use. Dr.  Bello called on other stakeholders to emulate the first lady by donating to the hospital.

From the Ghana Consolidated Diamond Hospital in Akwatia the First Lady  proceeded to Asamankese Government Hospital where stated that a special focus on empowering girls and women will not only lead to the development of the country, but also the global sustainable development goals. According to her, women are educated and financially independent they are able to contribute to the development of the country. 

The First lady MrsLordina Mahama noted that the Lordina Foundation believe that education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. In line with this vision, the Lordina Foundation has been empowering women in skills development and education. 

Starts up kits have been given to people across the country to start businesses whiles schools have benefited from donation of educational materials and clothing. The Lordina Foundation has facilitated the construction of ICT centers, Dining halls among others.
The First lady asserted that women are the backbone of every family and play a vital role in the development of a nation hence they must be empowered.

“The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is highly important and essential for the achievement of, not only the development of the country but also the global sustainable development goals”’ she asserted.
She expressed the need for all to join forces to empower our women making them relevant in society and nation building.
The First lady indicated that the donation to Asamankese Government Hospital marks an ongoing activity of my foundation to support communities, women and children across the country.  
“’ I fully understand how important health is to the development and well-being of the people of Asamankese and I understand better what a well-functioning hospital means for them. The need to support your hospital is critical because Asamankese is one of the busiest commercial towns in the Eastern region Being a busy market centre means that the hospital needs more resources to be able to cope with the demand for its services ”’ the first lady stated.
Stating the goal of the Lordina Foundation which  is to help save lives in our hospitals and to support the government to achieve its vision of health all she was delighted that the government has come up with a healthcare mix of CHIPS compounds, mobile vans called “Onuado” in addition to other health facilities thus bringing healthcare delivery to the doorstep of the people.

Osaberima Adu Darko .Asamankesehene added his voice in praise of the government for the ongoing developmental projects in the country and Asamankese community. He expressed appreciation to the first Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama for the donations . As Ghana goes to the polls come December 7, Osaberima Adu Darko III advised the people of Ghanaians especially the youth and  politicians to be mindful of their utterances in order to have a peaceful elections.

For her part the Eastern Regional Minister Mavis Frimpong praised the first lady for her philanthropic work which has taken her in all regions across the country. She described her as  a mother for all who is much concern about the welfare of her people especially women and children.

Earlier the First Lady passed through the Saint Roses Senior High School where she interacted with the students. She advised the students to take their studies seriously and make their books their friends.
The First lady was accompanied by the Eastern Regional Minister Mavis Frimpong, Baaba Jamal Member of Parliament of the area and some   executives of the National Democratic Party.


The First lady her Excellency Lordina Mahama has done nothing bad than to put smiles on faces of people, save lives, and make women financially independent.

Through her foundation, the Lordina Foundation, with support from her sponsors, Mrs. Mahama has supported many artisans, health facilities, students, and orphanages across the country.

Is it that people cannot see all these things or are refusing to appreciate Mrs. Mahama for her good works?

I find it hard to belief the accusation that the First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama is only interested in the development of the the Brong Ahafo Region where she comes from as claimed by the wife of the flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party Mrs. Rebecca AkuffoAddo.

I have travelled with the First Lady on several occasions to present items to many communities across the regions. I can boldly say there is no region, which has not benefited from such donations and developmental projects.
Being guided by its core mandate, the Lordina Foundation donation is geared towards skills development, children and women empowerment, supporting the less privileged in society etc.

Mrs Lordina Mahama showing love to a child on admission at the Princess Marie Louise Childrens Hospital.

The First Lady for instance has provided health facilities across the country with medical supplies and equipment. She believes no life must be lost as a result of lack of necessary equipment in hospitals. She has been to Ussher, Mamprobi, Kpone, Prapram , La General Hospital all in the greater Accra region. Similar donations have been done in Ashanti, Volta, Western, Eastern, Central, Northern Region, Upper East and West.

First Lady Dr Lordina Mahama presenting items to the Mamprobi Polyclinic, looking on is Fritz Baffour, the MP for Ablekuma South

In line with her commitment to improve health service delivery, First Lady, Lordina Mahama, donated an ambulance to the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital in Accra .

Dr Lordina Mahama presents wheel chairs, medical supplies and equipment to the Mampong Government hospital

Nana Lordina Mahama presenting Medical items to St Joseph Orthopaedic Hospital in the Eastern Region

First Lady hands over medical supplies and equipment to the Bomfa Achiase Health Center in the Ashanti region
In line with her commitment to improve health service delivery, First Lady, Mrs. Lordina Mahama, donated an ambulance to the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital in Accra
First Lady Lordina Mahama making a presentation at Kpone Health Centre and received by Acting District Health Director, Mrs Patience Ami Mamattah

   Nana Dr Lordina Mahama presenting items to Savelugu hospital in the Northen Region

         First Lady presenting medical items to the Ketu South Municipal Hospital at Aflao in the Volta Region


Putting smiles on the faces of the less privilege is an attribute of the First Lady. She has through her foundation, from time to time.been providing orphanages across the country with food items, clothing among the rest. Orphanages like Osu Children’s home in greater Accra, Anfaani in Tamale, Christ Faith Orphanage in Fafraha Accra, have benefitted from such donations. Inmates of Princess Marie Louise hospital in Accra also have been having their share of the donations. She is facilitating accommodation for toddlers at the Osu Children’s home and Anfani orphanage in Tamale.
These is in addition to lot of scholarships she has facilitated for needy students across the ten regions of Ghana.

                         First Lady interacting with  the Kids at Tamale Children’s Home  the Northern Region.

First Lady Dr Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting items to the Osu Childrens Home
Faith Orphanage Home in Fafraha receiving items from the First Lady

The mother of the nation playing with a boy at the Anfani orphanage

Accommodation for toddlers project for the Osu Children's Home facilitated by  Mrs Lordina Mahama

Being passionate about people with disability, Mrs. Lordina Mahama who is the patron of the Akropong School for the Blind has been supporting the school and other people living with disability.
The federations of the disabled were not left out of the donations. So far the first lady has presented   cartons of wheelchairs and carts to persons living with disability in Western Region.

Mrs Lordina Mahama in a picture with some students of the Akropong School for the blind after she donated items to the school

First lady presenting sun cream to  albinos when she meet with the Federation of the Disabled in Takoradi.

 First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama helping a disabled boy to drive a cart after she donated cartons of walking aid and wheel chairs to the Federation of the Disabled  in Takoradi.

As part of her activities to support the vulnerable in society, the First Lady Dr. Lordina Mahama has through the help of the Savannah Diamond Company Limited commissioned an ultra modern Kitchen for the Jakpa Roman Catholic primary school in the Chereponi district of the Northern region. The project funded by the Savannah Diamond company limited has seen the light of day due to the intervention of the Lordina Foundation headed by Dr LordinaMahama. The facility will serve as an eatery for the pupils in the catchment area under the school feeding program.
First lady waving the pupils after she commissioned an ultra modern Kitchen for the Jakpa Roman Catholic primary school in the Chereponi district of the Northern region

With skills development, the First Lady has donated startup kits to Hairdressers Beauticians, Tailors, masons, carpenters (Artisans), in the greater Accra, Ashanti, Central, Western, Volta, Northern, upper East and West Regions.

First Lady presenting Hair Dryer To Graduating Apprentise of the National Association of Beauticians in Accra.

Nana Dr Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting sewing machines to the Association of Hairdresser, Tailors and Barbers at Cape Coast

First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting a chain saw to the Association of Carpenters in the Volta Region.

First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting working tools to the National Association of Beautician in Accra.

In her bid to ensure universal access for all the Lordina Foundation has embarked on medical outreaches across the ten regions of the country. During such events people are screened for breast and cervical cancers, HIV,Syphilis and other reproductive diseases. Health screening has also been organized across the ten regions of the country.
First lady interacting with some people who took part in the health screening organized at Mampong

First Lady Dr Lordina Mahama giving a condom to a  woman during a health screening in Accra
Dr Lordina Mahama interacting with some nurses when her foundation organized a health screen for the people of Agortime-Kpotoe

Her Excellency Mrs Lordina Mahama interacting with some patients duing a health screening organised for the people of Winneba

The Gamabaga Witches Camp also benefited from the First Lady's philanthropies work. Aside donations of food items, the First lady is facilitating a vocation School with accommodations for the inmate and their children.
First lady Mrs Lordina Mahama presenting items to the late  leader of the Witches Camp.
Vocational Institute project facilitated by Mrs Lordina Mahama at Gambaga

For the first time in the history of Ghana, the First Lady donated items and medical supplies  to the Nsawam Medium Prison.

 Nana Dr Mrs. Lordina Mahama presenting some items to the Nsawam Medium Security Prison.

The Nsawam Medium Security  Prison infirmary also received some medical supplies form the Lordina Foundation

I can go on and on listing regions who have benefited from the First Lady’s Donation but at this juncture I wish to urged all women especially wives of Flag bearers of political parties to be agents of peace instead of making comments that will bring about violence and tribal tension.
Women are known to be peacemakers so let us exhibit that by engaging in activities that will not endanger the peace of this country.

Some student nurses could not hide their joy when theymet the first Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama in the Ashanti Region.

Let us remind ourselves that politics is not about lies and insult but about telling the good people what you can do for them, and they decide who to vote for.
I commend the First Lady for her philanthropic works and the manner in which she carries out her activities. You are in need a mother for all.