Tuesday 15 November 2016


Traffic has reduced drastically at the Kwame Nkrumah circle as a result of the completion of the three tier interchange there. 
This is the highest and longest flyover in West Africa. Prior to the construction of the interchange, people spent several hours on that stretch of road before getting to their destinations.

But today I spent few minutes to get to circle from Kaneshie. Experts estimated that the congestion that used to be created as a result of heavy traffic and lack of traffic flow resulted in an estimated loss of about $100million per annum to the national economy.

With the completion and commissioning of the 74million Euros project which has transformed Circle as it is popularly called into the three tier interchange, heavy traffic is set to be dissolved as well as   productivity will increase since time spent on  that stretch of road will be reduced.

Aside the construction of the three tier interchange, a recreational Park, a spectacular automated water light show and a magnificent Monumental structure has been constructed as well. This will not only boost the tourism sector but the economy of the country as well.

There is a Police station, Ambulance and Fire services all situated at the Kwame Nkrumah circle to check crimes and ensure the safety of Ghanaians within that area. No wonder people have started calling Kwame Nkrumah Circle “Dubai”.

The enthusiastic crowd which witnessed the commissioning yesterday is enough to tell the world that Ghanaians are happy about the project.  Past Presidents such as Kwame Nkrumah, John Jerry Rawlings John Agyekum Kufour and the Late John Evans Atta Mills have also done their part as far as development of road infrastructure is concerned and I must commend them for that.

The revolutionary piece of infrastructural architecture that has transformed Circle is a laudable one and all must put aside politics and say Ayeeko to President John Mahama led administration.

But I am very much concern about the ability of the country to maintain this laudable projects. I wish to add my voice to calls by President Mahama for the Department of Urban Roads under the Ministry of Roads and High ways to try as much as possible to maintain the project. The Accra Metropolitan Assemble must also help in ensuring that the beauty of this edifice is not compromised.

It is sad to see hawkers taking over the streets of circle again  doing their businesses just a day after the Kwame Nkrumah interchange was commissioned. I am not saying these people should not work in order to fend for themselves and their families but they must also consider the development of this country and the future generation as well.
I call on appropriate authorities to control hawkers at 'Circle' in order to ensure the beauty and maintenance of this edifice. Together we can make Ghana a better place. Long live Ghana!

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