Sunday 11 September 2016


Media practitioners in Greater Accra region on Friday took  time off their busy schedule to undergo medical screening to check the status of their health. 
The  health screening  organised by the Family Health Hospital Limited, the operators of the premium private medical tertiary institution in the country in collaboration with the Lordina Foundation, Ghana Aids Commission and the Ghana Journalist Association, is aimed to help boost the healthcare needs of media practitioners in the Greater Accra region.
The free screening also offered media practitioners a thorough check up and possible medication as a way of  helping the citizen’s  health bill through  early detection of diseases and early treatment to curtail disease from turning into chronic and helpless situation which is counter to productivity.

Media practitioners underwent eye screening, BP and Sugar testing, HIV testing and counseling, Breast and Cervical Cancer examination and counseling, Syphillis testing among others.

At the opening ceremony of the free health screening in Accra, President of the Lordina Foundation in a speech read on her behalf by the Director of the Ghana Aids Commission, Dr Angela El Adas underscored the importance of the health of media practitioners to the development of the country.

 Mrs. Lordina Mahama indicated that the work of media practitioners is stressful and dangerous going about looking for information to disseminate, inform, educate and entertain the public.  She said due to the nature of the work of media practitioners, they hardly visit the hospital for check up. The first lady believes this kind of free screening will give media practitioners the opportunity to undergo medical check up. Mrs Mahama however urged media practitioners to take periodic health check up seriously.

Mrs. Mahama said as the president of the Organization of the African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDS, she will continue to work towards putting an end to new HIV infections, maternal mortality and other reproductive diseases. She expressed her commitment to support all endeavours to organize free health screening in order to ensure universal health for all. 
The First Lady urged all media practitioners to encourage their relatives to go for regular medical check up.
The Director of the Ghana Aids Commissionr Angela El Adas, commended the media for their support in the education of HIV but urged them to continue to intensify their campaign against HIV. She used the occasion to announce that the AIDS Commission will on Tuesday launch the next generation plan on AIDS national strategic plan for 2016 -2020  
President of the Family Health Medical School Professor Enyonam Yao Kwawume said media practitioners have lot of health problems yet they go about educating the citizenry on how to stay healthy. “Media practitioners sit for long hours, squeeze their eye to look on the computer and also go through pressure in writing yet they don’t go for regular checkups”.
He believes the time has come when the media will devote time to take care of themselves hence the health screening. With this screening diseases will be detected and treated at the early stage. 
Professor Kwawume explained that the decision for the free screening for media practitioners is due to the nature of their work and the serious stresses they face in the execution of their work. It is also in recognition of the invaluable role the media plays in the nation building as well as shaping the views of the citizenry.
The Family Health Group explains that the exercise forms part of the Corporate Social Responsibility being undertaken with the free medical exercise.
He was grateful to the Lordina Foundation for the collaboration. He said the exercise will be reciprocated in all the regions across the country.
For his Part, the Minister of Health, Alex Segbefia noted that the theme for the screening exercise “Good Health Better Life, the Role of Media Practitioners in Nation Building” is in the right direction considering this is an election year, which means more work for journalists.
He said Ghana’s media plays an important role in the country as far as its development and progress are concerned.  “The media, with specific reference to the collective entity of newspaper, radio, television and the International Network plays a very important role in national development” he asserted.
Mr Segbefia expressed government’s commitment to take healthcare to the doorstep of every Ghanaian, citing the procurement of mobile outreach vans for a specialist Medical Outreach service as a means by which equity gaps in healthcare delivery can be bridged to some extent.
“Healthcare is critical to social economic development of every nation and government is leaving no stone unturned to provide quality healthcare and access”. Evidence is the CHIPPS Compound concept that serves as a linkage to healthcare delivery.”

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