Monday 4 April 2016


Ghanaians have been asked to reject any group or individual who uses different forms of influences to suggest violence. President John Mahama, made the call when he joined the Muslim community in a night vigil in Kumasi to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed. The President assured Ghanaians that the Security agencies are up to the task to ensure citizen protection and peace. The night vigil known as Maulid, was attended by the Spiritual head of the Tijaniyya Mission in Africa Ahmed Tijani Ali Cisse, Chief Imam Sheikh Nuhu Sharabutu and the NPP running mate Dr Mahummadu Bawumia.

The Birthday of the Prophet Mohammed is marked annually with a night vigil to pray for his mercies.  President Mahama, said Islam stands for peace  and that virtue should not be lost on Ghanaians. He said it is that peace and peaceful co existence that has earned Ghana the enviable reputation of a beacon of peace in Africa. The President asked all to reject people who incite violence through their utterances in a bid to create confusion, particularly in this election year
President Mahama, noted that Ghana continues to attract investors due to the favourable peaceful environment. He said Ghanaians should be proud of this feat. President Mahama, also encouraged people who turned eighteen to remember to register to vote during the limited voter registration exercise to open this month.
The spiritual heads led various prayers for the peace and security of the nation.

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