Thursday 22 December 2016


A gay man who had to adopt his partner of 46 years for them to be together will now finally be allowed to marry him.

Nino, 79, legally adopted 69-year-old Roland back in 2012 so that they could have some legal protections, as same-sex marriage hadn’t yet been legalised in the US.

Now a Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled that they can dissolve the adoption and get married – setting a legal precedent in the state for other couples in the same situation.

Before same-sex marriage was legalised, it was common for couples to ‘adopt’ one another so that they could have some protection under the law, for example with things like inheritance. And although same-sex marriage officially became legal in all 50 US states in 2015, Nino and Roland were told they couldn’t get married because they were legally father and son.

In 2015, Judge Lawrence O’Toole had said he was unable to dissolve the legal guardianship – so the couple took their case to an appeal court.

Judge Susan Peikes Gantman, president of the three-judge Superior Court panel, said: ‘Pennsylvania law regarding same-sex marriage [has] changed; samesex couples in this Commonwealth may now exercise their fundamental right to marry.

‘Therefore, where a same-sex couple, who previously obtained an adult adoption, now seeks to annul or revoke the adoption in order to marry, the Orphans’ court has the authority to annul or revoke the adult adoption.’

Nino and Roland said they were ‘relieved’, and are grateful for the ‘wonderful Christmas gift’.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


The First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama continues to put smiles on faces of children especially the underprivileged in society. She believes that every child must have equal opportunities to live a normal life just as any other children.

 Recognizing the importance of accommodation for the inmates of the Osu Children’s Home, the first lady through her foundation the Lordina Foundation has facilitated the construction of an accommodation for toddlers of Osu Children’s Home in Accra.

Commissioning the building in Accra, the First Lady noted that it is no fault of the children to find themselves in orphanages hence society must not neglect them. She believes that the children must feel comfortable in a place they call home.

It was all joy at the Osu Childrens Home when the First Lady arrived. Management and children of the home could not hide their joy upon seeing the First Lady. One could see the happiness written all over their faces probably they knew they were going to receive gifts from the First Lady. The First lady upon arrival shared candies to children and interacted with them as they sang Christmas songs and danced.

Mrs. Lordina Mahama presented assorted items to the home to support them in their Christmas celebration. Items presented to the home included bags of rice, gallons of oil, assorted biscuits, sweets, soft drinks, tomato paste, tuna flakes, boxes of spaghetti and bales of clothes.

The First Lady made similar donation to the Christ Foster Home in Fafraha. These donations add up to seven orphanages, which have benefited from the First Lady during this Christmas festive season.

The other beneficiary homes were Let Kids Smile in Nkoransa, Bethesda Children’s Home, Frank May Orphanage both in Techiman, Tamale Children’s Home and Anfani Home.

The First Lady has for the past years made donations to selected orphanages across the country. These donations are aimed at supporting these rather unfortunate children who finds themselves in orphanages.

The Manageress of the Home Mrs Chritiana Addo expressed gratitude to the First Lady for her continues support. She stated that with the support from the First Lady, the children at the home are going to have enough to eat and drink during this festive season.

National Director of Social Welfare Benjamin Otoo was very passionate about getting people to foster children. This he noted is a major challenge faced by the home. According to him more emphasis must be placed on child fostering and family base care. This he noted will surely reduce the work load on the various homes across the country.

Other Challenges faced by the home include lack of buses to convey inmates of the home to places and funding for medication. He was however thankful for the accommodation facilitated by the First Lady saying that part of it will be used for nursery since the old block used is too small and obsolete.

The First Lady made another visit to the Christ Faith Foster Home where she donated food items, gallons of cooking oil, and bags of rice; biscuits, assorted drinks, detergents and confectionary. She danced with the children as they sang Christmas songs.

Director of the home, Kofi Adu- Boahene was full of praise for the First Lady saying she has always supported the home, especially during festive seasons.

Victor Baah an inmate of the home expressed appreciation to the First Lady for her love and support. ‘’I have been in this home for the past six years and the First Lady always come here to give us gifts’’ he said.  Victor prayed for the blessings of the Lord for the First Lady.

The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur, accompanied the First Lady.

Tuesday 29 November 2016


First Lady Lordina Mahama has once again fulfilled her pledges of supporting some orphanage homes in the country. The orphanage homes namely Frank May, Bethesda and Let the Kids Smile all in the Brong Ahafo with Anfaani and Tamale children’s home in the Northern Region.

The yearly ritual sees to the donation of food items, beverages and toiletries to help in catering for children who one way or the other have been abandoned and hitherto children whose parents have passed on. At separate presentation at the five homes, Mrs. Mahama said she would not relent on her efforts in giving each child a reason to live.

It is now evident that care for the less privileged in society is a value rooted in the First Lady Lordina Mahama. This is because the urge to support these homes has become insatiable all the time adding that every child needs to be helped to realise his dream with or without parents .It is this passion that drives her all the time to continue supporting children in these orphanages to become useful in future.

Most of the children adopted by the First Lady are either in the universities and other tertiary institutions. The little ones have also been enrolled in various schools.

Mrs. Mahama said it is fulfilling that her efforts are yielding results.
 At Frank May Orphanage home, the manager  Frank Apus recounted some devastating story surrounding one of the child brought there by Holy Family Hospital. He said after the mother of the child passed on, the family chose the dead body over the baby.

This story and more is what has led him and his wife to take in these children. He said the home is striving because of the immense contribution of the First Lady for the past eight years.

Most of the children are being brought from social welfare, Police and Holy Family Hospital.
 The story was not different at Bethesda and Let the Kids smile orphanages.

At Bethesda there are 12 children in their custody with most of them at their advanced stages in their education.

The founder of Bethesda Pastor Stephen Volante was full of praise for the first Lady for the gesture, which has been consistent for more than eight years. A similar presentation was made at Let Kids Smile in Nkoranza. 
The First Lady and her team later moved to Tamale Children’s home.

One by one the First Lady interacted with children of the home and the staff as well. There were giggles and laughter all around. That is what the presence of the First Lady brings each time she visits the home.
Though the Tamale children's home is a government funded, the First Lady continues to support the home. Apart from the food items, a dormitory block facilitated by her Foundation, is nearing completion is under construction.

Home Supervisor Augustina Quainoe says the gesture by the First Lady is immeasurable. Anfaani Children's home was the next point of call. Most of the children brought there are as little as one week old.  The children are victims of abandonment and those whose mothers died at birth.

One distressing challenge facing the home is that when family members bring the babies there they cease coming to the home to check up on them.

Those who also do visit don’t do so regularly. This is a source of worry to them but staffs of the home say they are managing with the support from the First Lady.

This home one may say is emotionally attached to the First Lady Lordina Mahama. Reason being that it is made up of only babies and for her at such tender age more needs to be done to take care of them. One by one she checked up on all the children in the home and those sleeping in baby cots while carrying some of them.

This motherly love exhibited by the First Lady left staff of the home in awe as they look on. Mohammed Abdul Razak administrator of the home together with another eleven people manages the home. He was short of words for the First Lady.

According to him words cannot express how thankful the home is to the First Lady.

The First Lady who also provided new sets of baby cots for the children at Anfaani, pledged her continuous support for the children.

Thursday 24 November 2016


Nigeria's security forces have killed more than 150 peaceful protesters since August 2015, a human rights group has claimed.

Amnesty International said the military used live ammunition and deadly force against pro-Biafra protesters who were campaigning for an independent state in the south-east.

Nigeria's police denies allegations that it used unnecessary force.

The country's army said Amnesty was trying to tarnish its reputation.

Amnesty's report is based on interviews with almost 200 people alongside more than 100 photographs and 87 videos.

Among the allegations contained in the report are what Amnesty called "extrajudicial executions", when 60 people were shot and killed in south-eastern Onitsha city, in the two days surrounding Biafra Remembrance Day in May 2016.
"This reckless and trigger-happy approach to crowd control has caused at least 150 deaths, and we fear the actual total might be far higher" said Makmid Kamara, Amnesty's interim director for Nigeria.

Other victims detailed in the report include a 26-year-old man who was shot in Nkpor, but hid in a gutter, still alive. He said when soldiers found him, they poured acid over him, and told him he would die slowly.


The First Lady, Her Excellency Dr. Nana Lordina Mahama has called on Otumfuor Osei Tutu II at the Manhyia palace in Kumasi to commiserate with him on the passing of his mother.

The Asantehemaa, Queen mother of Asante Kingdom, Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II died on November 14, 2016 at the age of 111.

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Marietta Brew Appiah Oppong, Minister of Education, Naana Jane Opoku Agyeman, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Tourism, Elizabeth Agyare and some National Democratic Congress party executives accompanied the First Lady.

The First Lady also signed the book of condolence that was opened at the Palace. She later went round to condole with mourners that had gathered at the Manhyia Palace.

Wednesday 23 November 2016


First lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama has stated that the surest way to ensure universal access to education is for parents and other stakeholders in the education sector to give a special focus to the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in the country.

This include children living in fragile and conflict-affected areas, children with disabilities, and girls who are most likely to be affected because of inadequate learning materials and unsuitable education infrastructure.

Mrs Mahama who was addressing a durbar when the Lordina foundation presented medical supplies and equipment to the Tuobodom Health Centre in the Brong Ahafo Region reminded all about the importance of education which is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and its future to eradicate poverty, and create wealth.

The First Lady asserted "Most especially, early childhood education and development. It is a known fact that easy access to education liberates generations of any family from the shackles of poverty".

She said education is a basic right, and is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child hence every girl and boy should have the right to a quality education so that they can have more chances in life, including employment opportunities, better health and also to participate in the political process.

According to the 2015 report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that sub-Saharan Africa remains the home to the largest out of school population of children in the world.

Even though Ghana has achieved universal enrolment of children in primary school, there is still a significant number of children, especially girls, in the rural areas that are not in school.

This the First Lady noted informs her call for equal opportunities to education for every child when she addressed a large gathering of chiefs and queen mothers, and other dignitaries at a colourful durbar to mark the 7th Annual Convention of the Council of Brong Ahafo Associations of North America (COBAANA) at Worcester, Massachusetts in the US.

She called parents and stakeholders in the education sector to ensure that their wards learn to read, count, and acquire the necessary life skills as Government is committed to improving education in the country.

Mrs. Mahama indicated that under education, which falls under “Putting people first is one of the four themes of the NDC manifesto, the President, among other things, has promised to establish colleges of education for the sole purpose of training teachers in early childhood care and development.

"The government is determined to eliminate all schools under trees by 2021 and to pilot the use of electronic textbooks at the JHS and secondary level. Students will receive tablets that have their core textbooks on it.  By bringing in this innovation, the government believes that education would become easier for our children" she assured the people.

This and other things show how committed government is in meeting the Sustainable Development Goal 4 which is to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all” by 2030.

As Ghana prepares to go to the polls on December 7, the First Lady used the opportunity to urge the people of Tuobodom to live in harmony with each other and promote unity at all time. She reminded them of the need to preach the need to maintain the peace Ghana is enjoying wherever they find themselves.

With support from its sponsors and Medshare USA, the Lordina Foundation has supported health facilities with medical supplies and equipment in all ten regions of Ghana.


Tuesday 15 November 2016


Traffic has reduced drastically at the Kwame Nkrumah circle as a result of the completion of the three tier interchange there. 
This is the highest and longest flyover in West Africa. Prior to the construction of the interchange, people spent several hours on that stretch of road before getting to their destinations.

But today I spent few minutes to get to circle from Kaneshie. Experts estimated that the congestion that used to be created as a result of heavy traffic and lack of traffic flow resulted in an estimated loss of about $100million per annum to the national economy.

With the completion and commissioning of the 74million Euros project which has transformed Circle as it is popularly called into the three tier interchange, heavy traffic is set to be dissolved as well as   productivity will increase since time spent on  that stretch of road will be reduced.

Aside the construction of the three tier interchange, a recreational Park, a spectacular automated water light show and a magnificent Monumental structure has been constructed as well. This will not only boost the tourism sector but the economy of the country as well.

There is a Police station, Ambulance and Fire services all situated at the Kwame Nkrumah circle to check crimes and ensure the safety of Ghanaians within that area. No wonder people have started calling Kwame Nkrumah Circle “Dubai”.

The enthusiastic crowd which witnessed the commissioning yesterday is enough to tell the world that Ghanaians are happy about the project.  Past Presidents such as Kwame Nkrumah, John Jerry Rawlings John Agyekum Kufour and the Late John Evans Atta Mills have also done their part as far as development of road infrastructure is concerned and I must commend them for that.

The revolutionary piece of infrastructural architecture that has transformed Circle is a laudable one and all must put aside politics and say Ayeeko to President John Mahama led administration.

But I am very much concern about the ability of the country to maintain this laudable projects. I wish to add my voice to calls by President Mahama for the Department of Urban Roads under the Ministry of Roads and High ways to try as much as possible to maintain the project. The Accra Metropolitan Assemble must also help in ensuring that the beauty of this edifice is not compromised.

It is sad to see hawkers taking over the streets of circle again  doing their businesses just a day after the Kwame Nkrumah interchange was commissioned. I am not saying these people should not work in order to fend for themselves and their families but they must also consider the development of this country and the future generation as well.
I call on appropriate authorities to control hawkers at 'Circle' in order to ensure the beauty and maintenance of this edifice. Together we can make Ghana a better place. Long live Ghana!

Monday 7 November 2016


The First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama continues to put smiles on the faces of people especially children as she donates to orphanages across the country.
The latest to benefit from such donations is the children of Esanns Schools and Orphanage located in Fante Newtown, a suburb of Awutu Bawjiase in the Central Region.

Established in 2005 Esanns Schools and Orphanage has over 300 children under its care.  The children could not hide their joy when they saw the First Lady as smiles were written all over their faces.

Items donated to the school include sacks of rice, sugar, cartons of milo, gallons of cooking oil, boxes of tomato paste, canned fish, mixed beverages, biscuits and tolls.

The First Lady Mrs Mahama, who is a philanthropist, through her foundation, the Lordina Foundation has regularly donated items to orphanages as part of her commitment to provide them with their needs.

So far she has adopted and supports seven orphanages across the country. They are Anfani Children’s Home,Tamale Children’s Home, Frankmay Orphanage, Lets Kids Smile   orphanage, Bethesda orphanage  Osu  and Christ Faith Foster (Fafraha) Homes.

She is also facilitating accommodation for toddlers in the Osu Children’s Home and the Tamale Children’s Home. The First Lady believes that every child irrespective of where they find themselves must live a normal and comfortable live hence the donations to these orphanages.

As a philanthropic touching lives and caring for people especially the vulnerable and less privileged in society, remains the sole passion of the First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama.

Friday 4 November 2016


The Lordina Foundation has over the years conducted health outreach programme across the country with that aim of creating awareness about Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, and the reproductive health of women in general.

First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama who is the President of the Foundation believes that prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission is important for Ghana to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV from mothers to their children.

However, only 75% of pregnant women living with HIV received Antiretrovirals for PMTCT in 2014 and only 30% of HIV positive Children received treatment.

It is against this background, the Lordina Foundation, in collaboration with the OAFLA Ghana Chapter, the Ghana AIDS Commission and partners, has been conducting advocacy on Prevention of Mother-to Child Transmission of HIV, and Keeping Mothers Alive, to support the country’s efforts to eliminate Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV.

The First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama is excited that expectations of the foundation and other partners are likely to be realized, because their engagements with eight regions, that is, Eastern, Brong Ahafo, Northern, Western, Central, Greater Accra, Volta and Ashanti have yielded great results.

At a recently health screening held in Bawjiase in the Central Region, Mrs Lordina Mahama announced that  Ghana has achieved many successes in ensuring HIV free future. According to her with collaborative effort of the Ghana Aids Commission, Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV (OAFLA), UNAIDS and the Lordina Foundation, Ghana has been able to reduce annual AIDS deaths by 43 percent, achieved 50 percent reduction in transmission of HIV from mother-to-child, treated 66 percent of infected pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and prevalence of HIV among exposed babies has reduced to 8 percent at birth and 21percent after breastfeeding down from 32percent.

Mrs Mahama noted that in spite of these successes there are challenges that threatens to undermine the success if stakeholders in the health sector do not double their efforts, and work together, to address the remaining and new challenges, in Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission.

She mentioned traditions that disempower women from taking personal decisions on their health; culture of fear, discrimination and non-acceptance of HIV status by male counterparts as some of the challenges.

‘’It is for these reasons that this advocacy that I am spearheading, stresses community involvement, and the involvement of men, in supporting their partners to access HIV and reproductive health services’’ the First lady noted.

She added that adolescents continue to experience, elevated HIV vulnerability, with the greatest risk of exposure yet until recently, they have hardly been at the centre of discussions, at the global and national levels.

The surest way to move Ghana towards an HIV free future, through the Prevention of Mother-to-Child-Transmission, safe sex and reduction of stigma; and significantly reduce the number of cervical and breast cancers, that occur in society the First lady believes, is  by encouraging women to test for HIV and conduct regular breast self-examination.

She expressed the commitment of government to continue to place importance on and implement the National Strategic Plan 2016-2020 on HIV/AIDS and work towards achieving fast-track targets of 90% of People Living with HIV know their status, 90% of People Living with HIV on Antiretroviral treatment and 90% immune suppression.

Director General of the Ghana Aids Commission, Dr. Angela El Adas for her part said considering the busy schedule of women they hardly find time to visit the hospital for regular checkup hence the medical outreach to bring healthcare to the doorsteps of women. She indicated that out of every ten people, seven people made up of women and children are affected with HIV.

Dr. El Adas entreated women to be concerned about their health and find time to visit the hospital on regular basis, since their health is more important than any other thing.

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Hannah Tetteh, who doubles as the Member for Parliament for Awutu Senya thanked the First Lady for organizing the health screening for the people of Bawjiase who fall under her constituency. She assured the First Lady she would do her best to ensure that the people take advantage of the screening.

Queenstar Maame Pokuah Sawyerr who is the Deputy Central Regional Minister and Member of Parliament for Agona urged the people to vote based on the developmental projects being undertaken by President Mahama.

The people of Bawjiase and its environs were tested for HIV, screened for Cervical and breast cancers, syphilis and other reproductive health diseases.

The First Lady Mrs Lordina Mahama will not relent in her efforts in bring healthcare to the door steps of Ghanaians as a way of ensuring universal access to healthcare.