Wednesday 8 January 2020

NIA sacks four officers for Ghana Card registration malpractice

Professor Ken Attafuah displaying his Ghana Card in June 2018.
Four staff of the National Identification Authority (NIA) found to have been engaged malpractices in ongoing mass registration exercise in the Ashanti Region have been dismissed.

The four, together with a fifth person, who is a resident of Nyinampong in the Asante Mampong Municipality and said to have aided in the malpractices have since been handed over the police and released on police enquiry bail.

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They are Kenneth Sarfo Boateng, who was a Commissioner of Oaths at the Church of Christ registration centre at Nyinampong in Asante-Mampong; Ransford Omane Osei, a mobile registration workstation operator at the Ampabame registration centre, near Ejisu and Dan Kwabena, a resident of Nyinampong.

The others are De-graft Osei Mensah, who was a supervising registration officer at Kentikrono M/A Primary School registration Centre in the Oforikrom Municipality and Emmanuel Edusei Poku, who was a district registration supervisor at Kentikrono.

They were arrested between January 3rd and 6th, 2020.


According to the Head of Corporate Affairs of the NIA, Assistant Commissioner of Immigration (ACI) Mr Francis Palmdeti, the officers were involved in malpractices which included registering beyond the stipulated time without authorisation while the others were accused of taking money from applicants aside giving out registration forms to applicants to take home.

He said per the NIA code of conduct for its staff, those actions violated the applicable internal rules and regulations and hence the Executive Secretary directed their immediate dismissal.

He said the NIA was grateful to the members of the public who witnessed the incidents and reported it and two media houses, Abusua FM based in Kumasi and The Chronicle newspaper “whose vigilance, sacrifice and commitment to good citizenship enabled the NIA and the Ghana Police to collaboratively pursue the measures that resulted in the arrest of the suspects.”


Wednesday 1 January 2020

Woman, 23, stabs boyfriend to death for cheating

A 23-year-old woman has stabbed his boyfriend to death for allegedly cheating on her.

The deceased was stabbed in the chest.

The incident happened at Tsostunya a community near Obawale in the Yilo Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The suspect Belinda Dawutey, 23, is currently in Police Custody at Asesewa while the body of the deceased boyfriend, Dadibo Teye, 27, has been deposited at the Eastern Regional Hospital in Koforidua.

According to the Assembly Member for the area, Patrick Tetteh, a misunderstanding ensued between the lovers after the jilted suspect accused the deceased of cheating on her by visiting another lady in the community.

“The boy has a different girlfriend in the community so the boy went there to visit the lady which created a fight between him and suspect so the deceased boy was beating her and in self-defence took the knife to stab him”

“So at 7:45 pm that I had a call that there was fighting so I rushed in my car and when I got there it was true. The girl had stabbed the boyfriend with a knife. so quickly I rushed the boy to Klo Agogo Polyclinic and was given first aid and referred us to Regional Hospital at Koforidua which it took us about 1:55 Minutes from this village”.

The Asesewa District Police Command has commenced an investigation into the incident.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah