Monday 30 May 2016


    The police Administration wishes to inform the general public, especially police recruitment applicants that the deadline for submission of completed application form online has been extended to 6th June, 2016.      

 Futhermore, all applicants who have not been able to access the forms online to fill after several trials should report back to the Bank Branch where they purchased their vouchers for redress.      

The police wishes to assure all applicants who purchased their voucher before the expiration of the deadline that they will be duly offered the opportunity  to apply  before the closure of the process.

Sales of the voucher successfully came to an end on 27th April, 2016.            

 Meanwhile, applicants who have concerns are advised to notify the police through:    

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Groom Divorces Bride After She Was Too Busy Texting To Have Sex On Their Wedding Night

 A Saudi man divorced his wife hours after they were married, because she was apparently too busy replying to congratulatory messages from friends to consummate the marriage.

The groom reportedly became enraged when the couple returned to their hotel after the wedding in Jeddah - but his wife refused to stop sending texts and come to bed.
A relative disclosed that following the marriage ceremony, the groom had taken his bride to the hotel where they had booked a room.

However, as soon as the bride was in the room, she "kept using her mobile". Her groom reportedly tried to get closer with her and "become more intimate", the relative told Gulf News, but was "shocked when she ignored him" and didn't respond. 

"When he asked her about the reasons, she answered she was busy communicating with her friends who were congratulating her on her marriage on the mobile," the source said. "The groom asked her to delay the messages, but she refused and became angry.

“When he asked her if her friends were more important than he was, the bride answered that they were."
In the heated argument that followed, the groom reportedly told his new wife he was divorcing her and left the hotel. 

The relative said a divorce case had been filed and when the court referred the case to a reconciliation committee, the groom refused to forgive his wife and withdraw the case. 


Japan today announced the restoration of its YEN loan portfolio to Ghana, with the approval of a proposal for the construction of a new bridge across the Volta River as part of the Eastern Corridor Road Development Project. 

The announcement followed discussions between President John Dramani Mahama and the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe in Tokyo.

Commenting on the announcement at a joint press briefing after their meeting, President Mahama said “this bridge is part of our eastern corridor road network and will be critical in improving transportation between the Northern part of Ghana and the South.”

President Mahama also thanked the Government and People of Japan for the resumption of the YEN loan, noting further that the construction of the bridge and the signing of a contract for the development of the Sekondi Fishing Harbour Phase 2 project will contribute greatly to the expansion of the country’s infrastructure to boost further growth.  

Also announced at the press briefing, was the approval by the Japanese government for the construction of a new Advanced Research Centre for Infectious Diseases at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research at Legon.

An agreement was also signed for scholarship grants for young Ghanaians under the ABE (African Business Education) Initiative to help improve the human resource development of the Ghanaian youth.

 President Mahama who is in Tokyo on an Official Visit earlier paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko in the company of the First Lady, HE Lordina Dramani Mahama.


 First Lady Dr Lordina Mahama has called on Africans to learn to preserve what is positive in their heritage, and culture, and jettison  practices that are harmful and degrading.

Addressing an Association of Wives of African Heads of Mission in Tokyo and leaders of some Japanese Women Groups at a Luncheon held in her honour by the Association as part of President John Dramani Mahama's official visit to Japan , Dr Lordina Mahama  noted that Africa has  a lot to be proud off, hence  must be preserved. She was quick to add that practices like  child marriage  must be discarded.

“Since I assumed the Presidency of OAFLA we have also included the campaign to end child
marriages to our agenda.  Despite our broadened programme of activities, getting new HIV
infections to zero remains a principal objective for us.

 We are especially worried that new
HIV infections among adolescents, are not declining quickly enough, as compared to other
segments of the population.”

This concern prompted us earlier this year, to hold a meeting of OAFLA members and
stakeholders in Accra. Under the banner of the 7th Africa Conference on Sexual and Health
Rights we launched a new campaign to tackle this challenge.

“The United Continental ‘All-In’ Adolescent HIV Campaign, which was launched in Accra, will
help us surmount all the hurdles. These include stigma, discrimination and lack of education,
and also harness the demographic dividend, for optimal productivity among the youth in
our population” she emphasized.

The first lady expressed her  commitment and that of her collegue African First Ladies  to ensure an HIV free generation for the continent through education, campaigns and the provision of anti-retroviral drugs, among others.

“At the Accra Conference we also outdoored our campaign to end child marriage. Under the
MDGs, we made significant progress in virtually achieving universal primary education,
including gender parity in enrolment”

“This success is jeopardized by the negative tradition of withdrawing especially girl children
from school and marrying them off at an early age. Girl children in some case as young as 12
are married off to men three or four times older than them. This deprives them not only of
precious education, but is also responsible for increased maternal deaths, fistulas, infant
and child mortality, depression, and even in some cases, suicide” she lamented.

The First lady believes it is the duty of duty to prevent our little girl children from
being married off to men they do not know, do not love, and who are far older than them.

“In Ghana, government policy is helping us greatly in ensuring that girls stay in school.
Expansion of access to secondary education means that more girls are staying in school,
beyond the basic school level. Remaining in school till they complete 3rd year of senior high
means they are able to attain the age of 18, which is considered the age of maturity in

The first lady spoke of some successes of her foundation , the lordina foundation. She mentioned collaboration with the Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection to empower women, support and promote children’s rights, and gives assistance to the poor and vulnerable.

The  Foundation has over the years been providing  Material and financial Support to orphanages and  going on periodic medical outreach programmes to mostly under-served communities in Ghana.

“With the support of Medshare USA, our support for deprived health facilities has been most
successful. We have distributed vital medical supplies, and equipment, to more than 50
District Hospitals and Health Centres, across the length and breadth of Ghana” she stated.

Dr Lordina called on her fellow women to contribute  in empowering women all over the globe and help to heal the ailing world.

Monday 16 May 2016


 The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has topped the chart of political parties which use abusive and indecent language on radio. 

The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) first report of its campaign language monitoring project recorded 27 incidents of the use of unsavoury utterances by NPP communicators. 

The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) followed with a total of 16 incidents.
The findings are limited to monitoring of 40 radio stations within the month of April.

Below is the full statement

 The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) has released the first report of its campaign language monitoring project. The report, which is based on monitoring of 516 programmes on 40 radio stations for the period April 18-30, 2016, names political parties whose officials, affiliates and supporters used abusive language; individuals and radio presenters who used abusive language; and radio stations on which the indecent expressions were used.

A total of 87 incidents of indecent expressions were recorded on 18 out of the 40 radio stations monitored. Officials, affiliates and supporters of the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) topped the list of culprits with a total of 27 incidents.

 The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) followed with a total of 16 incidents. The others were: Progressive People’s Party (PPP) and the New Labour Party (NLP) – four (4) each; National Democratic Party (NDP) – two (2); and the Convention People’s Party (CPP) and People’s National Convention (PNC) – one (1) each.

For the radio stations, 18 out of the 40 monitored, recorded incidents of indecent expressions. Accra-based Montie FM topped the list with 22 incidents followed by Oman FM with 15 incidents, and Adom FM and Diamond FM with seven (7) each. All the incidents of indecent expressions recorded on Adom FM were also recorded on Nsawkaw-based Tain FM.

“It is regrettable to have programme presenters not only allowing their platforms to be abused by politicians but also being the abusers themselves,” said Abigail Larbi-Odei, MFWA’s Programme Manager for Media and Democracy.

The monitoring report is the first of several to be issued by the MFWA before, during and after the 2016 elections (April – December). Under its “Issues Not Insults” campaign, the MFWA and its team of monitors are on a daily basis, monitoring and tracking indecent expressions used by politicians and activists on selected radio programmes. 
The campaign also involves monitoring and reporting how presenters/moderators on the selected stations handle their programmes and whether or not they allow their platforms to be used to abuse others.

The project which will be expanded to cover 70 radio stations across the country by July 2016 is being implemented with funding support from OSIWA, STAR-Ghana and the EU (through Socioserve Ghana).

Wednesday 11 May 2016

I’m not demanding' Cameron apology says Nigerian President Buhari

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari says he is not demanding "any apology from anybody" after UK Prime Minister David Cameron labelled his country "fantastically corrupt".

Speaking at an anti-corruption event in London, Mr Buhari said he was more interested in the return of stolen assets held in British banks.

Mr Cameron made the unguarded comments in a conversation with the Queen.
He is hosting an international anti-corruption summit on Thursday. 

Mr Buhari's address at the anti-corruption event at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London followed a statement from his office on Wednesday, saying that he had been "deeply shocked and embarrassed" by Mr Cameron's remarks. 

Asked if Nigeria was "fantastically corrupt", in an echo of the prime minister's comments, Mr Buhari responded: "Yes."
Nigeria was ranked 136 out of 167 countries in Transparency International's 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index

Two recent cases have illustrated the astonishing scale of corruption facing the country.
Last week, Nigerian Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo said that an estimated $15bn (£10bn) of government money had been stolen through corrupt arms contracts under the previous government.
And in March, an official audit found that Nigeria's state-owned oil company had failed to pay the government $25bn in a suspected fraud.

In his speech, the Nigerian leader described corruption as a "hydra-headed monster" which threatened the security of countries and "does not differentiate between developed and developing countries
He said corruption in Nigeria was endemic and his government was committed to fighting it.

Mr Buhari praised the UK government for its help in efforts to repatriate stolen funds held in the UK.
He cited the case of disgraced Nigerian state governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, who fled the UK disguised as a woman while on bail for corruption charges.

British police found £1m ($1.8m)-worth of cash in his London home in 2005 and subsequently charged him with laundering a total of £1.8m.
"What would I do with an apology? I need something tangible," Mr Buhari said, referring to efforts to recover the money. 

The UK government will host world and business leaders at the summit on Thursday in London, aiming to "galvanise a global response to tackle corruption".

Speaking ahead of the summit, Mr Cameron said: "For too long there has been a taboo about tackling this issue head-on.

"The summit will change that. Together we will push the fight against corruption to the top of the international agenda where it belongs."


 President John Dramani Mahama is expected in London today, Wednesday, to join other world leaders at an Anti-Corruption Summit being organised by the UK Government.
The Summit, which is taking place at a time President Mahama has been traveling across the country in furtherance of his transparency agenda to account to the people of Ghana, is important in moving forward Ghana’s anti-corruption agenda as contained in the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (2015-2024) and our commitments under the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).  
President Mahama said before leaving Accra that “the London Summit provides an opportunity to demonstrate once again the measures we have been adopting to strengthen our fight against corruption, combat money laundering and counter the financing of terrorism."
While in London, President Mahama will meet with his Co-Chair of the UN Eminent Persons Group on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and host an ‘Accounting to the People’ Forum for Ghanaians living in the UK on Friday.

Sunday 8 May 2016


First Lady Dr  Lordina Dramani Mahama  has encouraged Mothers, especially in Ghana and Africa, to participate in the Annual Vaccination Week by ensuring that infants and children receive the requisite free vaccination. 

In a statement to commemorate this year's Mothers day Dr Lordina Mahama commended all mothers for the unconditional love and selflessness they continue to show to their children and families.

 She also urged all Mothers to support the ‘End Child Marriage’ Campaign and join forces with Governments to end child Marriage. 

 Below is the full statement. 


There are many special days on the calendar to commemorate unique occasions, but one that is universally acclaimed as truly worthy of celebration is MOTHER’S DAY!

Everyday, mothers play the pivotal role of raising and moulding their children. Mothers also unite families and communities to help build a bright and better future for their children. 

I wish on this occasion to salute all mothers for the unconditional love, unlimited patience, forgiveness and selflessness they continue to show to their children and families.

Through the work of the Lordina Foundation, I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and I have come to appreciate the critical role our Mothers play, just to ensure our wellbeing. The best we can do for them, as children and society, is to celebrate this day everyday.

Indeed, Mothers are God’s gift to mankind and today, much of Ghana’s progress is, in no small way, due to the contribution of Mothers to the family, to the community and to the nation. 

I ask God to bless all Mothers this day and always. 

As we organise events and ceremonies to celebrate them, let us also remember their role in saving dysfunctional families, broken homes and bitter marriages. Thanking them is inadequate for the sacrifices they make every day. 

On this occasion of Mothers Day 2016, I wish to encourage Mothers, especially in Ghana and Africa, to participate in the Annual Vaccination Week by ensuring that infants and children receive the requisite free vaccination. We need to collectively prioritise immunisation as a key intervention to reduce child mortality.

As President of the Organisation of African First Ladies Against HIV & AIDS (OAFLA), and together with my colleague First Ladies, we have joined hands to strive to achieve our common vision of “making Africa a continent free from HIV and AIDS, Maternal and Child Mortality, and a place where women and girls are empowered to enjoy equal rights and opportunities.” 

We are working to guarantee access and investments in life-saving vaccines for Africa’s mothers, new-borns, children and adolescents.

During the recent 7th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights in Accra, my husband, President John Dramani Mahama launched the ‘Ending Child Marriage’ Campaign.

As a mother, the practice of child marriage breaks my heart and so must it be to all Mothers. It also negatively affects the future of thousands of young girls across Ghana and beyond.

I urge all Mothers to support the ‘End Child Marriage’ Campaign and join forces with Governments to end child marriage. Keep your children in school and allow them to climb the educational ladder rather than marrying them off.

Finally, I wish to entreat our Working Mothers not to abandon the long cherished traditional role of providing services and care for the family at all times despite the challenges that confront the working woman.

H.E. Dr. Nana Lordina Dramani Mahama 
First Lady of the Republic of Ghana & 
President of the Lordina Foundation