Wednesday 8 January 2020

NIA sacks four officers for Ghana Card registration malpractice

Professor Ken Attafuah displaying his Ghana Card in June 2018.
Four staff of the National Identification Authority (NIA) found to have been engaged malpractices in ongoing mass registration exercise in the Ashanti Region have been dismissed.

The four, together with a fifth person, who is a resident of Nyinampong in the Asante Mampong Municipality and said to have aided in the malpractices have since been handed over the police and released on police enquiry bail.

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They are Kenneth Sarfo Boateng, who was a Commissioner of Oaths at the Church of Christ registration centre at Nyinampong in Asante-Mampong; Ransford Omane Osei, a mobile registration workstation operator at the Ampabame registration centre, near Ejisu and Dan Kwabena, a resident of Nyinampong.

The others are De-graft Osei Mensah, who was a supervising registration officer at Kentikrono M/A Primary School registration Centre in the Oforikrom Municipality and Emmanuel Edusei Poku, who was a district registration supervisor at Kentikrono.

They were arrested between January 3rd and 6th, 2020.


According to the Head of Corporate Affairs of the NIA, Assistant Commissioner of Immigration (ACI) Mr Francis Palmdeti, the officers were involved in malpractices which included registering beyond the stipulated time without authorisation while the others were accused of taking money from applicants aside giving out registration forms to applicants to take home.

He said per the NIA code of conduct for its staff, those actions violated the applicable internal rules and regulations and hence the Executive Secretary directed their immediate dismissal.

He said the NIA was grateful to the members of the public who witnessed the incidents and reported it and two media houses, Abusua FM based in Kumasi and The Chronicle newspaper “whose vigilance, sacrifice and commitment to good citizenship enabled the NIA and the Ghana Police to collaboratively pursue the measures that resulted in the arrest of the suspects.”


Wednesday 1 January 2020

Woman, 23, stabs boyfriend to death for cheating

A 23-year-old woman has stabbed his boyfriend to death for allegedly cheating on her.

The deceased was stabbed in the chest.

The incident happened at Tsostunya a community near Obawale in the Yilo Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The suspect Belinda Dawutey, 23, is currently in Police Custody at Asesewa while the body of the deceased boyfriend, Dadibo Teye, 27, has been deposited at the Eastern Regional Hospital in Koforidua.

According to the Assembly Member for the area, Patrick Tetteh, a misunderstanding ensued between the lovers after the jilted suspect accused the deceased of cheating on her by visiting another lady in the community.

“The boy has a different girlfriend in the community so the boy went there to visit the lady which created a fight between him and suspect so the deceased boy was beating her and in self-defence took the knife to stab him”

“So at 7:45 pm that I had a call that there was fighting so I rushed in my car and when I got there it was true. The girl had stabbed the boyfriend with a knife. so quickly I rushed the boy to Klo Agogo Polyclinic and was given first aid and referred us to Regional Hospital at Koforidua which it took us about 1:55 Minutes from this village”.

The Asesewa District Police Command has commenced an investigation into the incident.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah

Saturday 28 December 2019

Don't waste your time binding things you see in your dreams-Nene Amegacher

Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre.

Why do we dream? Possible explanations include:

representing unconscious desires and wishes
interpreting random signals from the brain and body during sleep
consolidating and processing information gathered during the day
working as a form of psychotherapy.

What goes through our minds just before we fall asleep could affect the content of our dreams.

For example, during exam time, students may dream about course content. People in a relationship may dream of their partner. Web developers may see programming code.

These circumstantial observations suggest that elements from the everyday re-emerge in dream-like imagery during the transition from wakefulness to sleep.

From the above we realised that dreams have nothing to do with witchcraft, enemies among others.

In view of this a retired  ofApostle of the Church of Pentecost Nene Ahorlu Amagacher has urged Christians not to waste too much of their time casting and binding whatever they see in their dreams

Speaking on the theme "The Name of Jesus" at a Christmas Convention Organized by the Adentan Estate Worship Center  of the Church of Pentecost Nene Amagacher explained that the Name of Jesus is bigger and Higher above all Names hence Christians ought not to be afraid of what they see in their dreams.

"What you see in your dreams are simply account of your daily experience or what we think about"

"Sometimes you see insects and all you do is to start binding and breaking things" he added.

Nene Amagacher entreated Christians to be strong and believe  in the Name of Jesus  which is able to save .

Monday 23 December 2019

Forgive each other without keeping records- Dr Ankamah Lomotey

It has been said that marriage is the combination of two very good forgivers.
When you’re in such a close relationship with another human being, it’s inevitable that you’re going to step on each other’s toes. That’s just part of life.

The trick is being able to offer forgiveness to one another in a genuine, meaningful way, so that when those times come, you’ll be ready to face them head-on.

Considering the importance of Forgiveness in marriage, HeadPastor of the Adentan Estate Worship Center of the Church of Pentecost Pastor Eric Asare and his wife Mrs Agnes Asare organised a program for couples in the church dubbed "couples night".

The program was also meant to rekindle the love between couples .
Speaking at the event, Marriage Counselor Dr Stephen Ankamah Lomotey entreated all Couples to forgive each other since that is the only way the marriage can grow in peace.

He explained that it's very painful when a spouse hurts the other because of the trust and love but "let's not forget we are all humans.

Citing a scripture in the Bible that urged Christian s to forgive each other he entreated couples to forgive each other as many times as possible and not to take record of wrong doing.

Thursday 22 December 2016


A gay man who had to adopt his partner of 46 years for them to be together will now finally be allowed to marry him.

Nino, 79, legally adopted 69-year-old Roland back in 2012 so that they could have some legal protections, as same-sex marriage hadn’t yet been legalised in the US.

Now a Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled that they can dissolve the adoption and get married – setting a legal precedent in the state for other couples in the same situation.

Before same-sex marriage was legalised, it was common for couples to ‘adopt’ one another so that they could have some protection under the law, for example with things like inheritance. And although same-sex marriage officially became legal in all 50 US states in 2015, Nino and Roland were told they couldn’t get married because they were legally father and son.

In 2015, Judge Lawrence O’Toole had said he was unable to dissolve the legal guardianship – so the couple took their case to an appeal court.

Judge Susan Peikes Gantman, president of the three-judge Superior Court panel, said: ‘Pennsylvania law regarding same-sex marriage [has] changed; samesex couples in this Commonwealth may now exercise their fundamental right to marry.

‘Therefore, where a same-sex couple, who previously obtained an adult adoption, now seeks to annul or revoke the adoption in order to marry, the Orphans’ court has the authority to annul or revoke the adult adoption.’

Nino and Roland said they were ‘relieved’, and are grateful for the ‘wonderful Christmas gift’.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


The First Lady Mrs. Lordina Mahama continues to put smiles on faces of children especially the underprivileged in society. She believes that every child must have equal opportunities to live a normal life just as any other children.

 Recognizing the importance of accommodation for the inmates of the Osu Children’s Home, the first lady through her foundation the Lordina Foundation has facilitated the construction of an accommodation for toddlers of Osu Children’s Home in Accra.

Commissioning the building in Accra, the First Lady noted that it is no fault of the children to find themselves in orphanages hence society must not neglect them. She believes that the children must feel comfortable in a place they call home.

It was all joy at the Osu Childrens Home when the First Lady arrived. Management and children of the home could not hide their joy upon seeing the First Lady. One could see the happiness written all over their faces probably they knew they were going to receive gifts from the First Lady. The First lady upon arrival shared candies to children and interacted with them as they sang Christmas songs and danced.

Mrs. Lordina Mahama presented assorted items to the home to support them in their Christmas celebration. Items presented to the home included bags of rice, gallons of oil, assorted biscuits, sweets, soft drinks, tomato paste, tuna flakes, boxes of spaghetti and bales of clothes.

The First Lady made similar donation to the Christ Foster Home in Fafraha. These donations add up to seven orphanages, which have benefited from the First Lady during this Christmas festive season.

The other beneficiary homes were Let Kids Smile in Nkoransa, Bethesda Children’s Home, Frank May Orphanage both in Techiman, Tamale Children’s Home and Anfani Home.

The First Lady has for the past years made donations to selected orphanages across the country. These donations are aimed at supporting these rather unfortunate children who finds themselves in orphanages.

The Manageress of the Home Mrs Chritiana Addo expressed gratitude to the First Lady for her continues support. She stated that with the support from the First Lady, the children at the home are going to have enough to eat and drink during this festive season.

National Director of Social Welfare Benjamin Otoo was very passionate about getting people to foster children. This he noted is a major challenge faced by the home. According to him more emphasis must be placed on child fostering and family base care. This he noted will surely reduce the work load on the various homes across the country.

Other Challenges faced by the home include lack of buses to convey inmates of the home to places and funding for medication. He was however thankful for the accommodation facilitated by the First Lady saying that part of it will be used for nursery since the old block used is too small and obsolete.

The First Lady made another visit to the Christ Faith Foster Home where she donated food items, gallons of cooking oil, and bags of rice; biscuits, assorted drinks, detergents and confectionary. She danced with the children as they sang Christmas songs.

Director of the home, Kofi Adu- Boahene was full of praise for the First Lady saying she has always supported the home, especially during festive seasons.

Victor Baah an inmate of the home expressed appreciation to the First Lady for her love and support. ‘’I have been in this home for the past six years and the First Lady always come here to give us gifts’’ he said.  Victor prayed for the blessings of the Lord for the First Lady.

The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur, accompanied the First Lady.

Tuesday 29 November 2016


First Lady Lordina Mahama has once again fulfilled her pledges of supporting some orphanage homes in the country. The orphanage homes namely Frank May, Bethesda and Let the Kids Smile all in the Brong Ahafo with Anfaani and Tamale children’s home in the Northern Region.

The yearly ritual sees to the donation of food items, beverages and toiletries to help in catering for children who one way or the other have been abandoned and hitherto children whose parents have passed on. At separate presentation at the five homes, Mrs. Mahama said she would not relent on her efforts in giving each child a reason to live.

It is now evident that care for the less privileged in society is a value rooted in the First Lady Lordina Mahama. This is because the urge to support these homes has become insatiable all the time adding that every child needs to be helped to realise his dream with or without parents .It is this passion that drives her all the time to continue supporting children in these orphanages to become useful in future.

Most of the children adopted by the First Lady are either in the universities and other tertiary institutions. The little ones have also been enrolled in various schools.

Mrs. Mahama said it is fulfilling that her efforts are yielding results.
 At Frank May Orphanage home, the manager  Frank Apus recounted some devastating story surrounding one of the child brought there by Holy Family Hospital. He said after the mother of the child passed on, the family chose the dead body over the baby.

This story and more is what has led him and his wife to take in these children. He said the home is striving because of the immense contribution of the First Lady for the past eight years.

Most of the children are being brought from social welfare, Police and Holy Family Hospital.
 The story was not different at Bethesda and Let the Kids smile orphanages.

At Bethesda there are 12 children in their custody with most of them at their advanced stages in their education.

The founder of Bethesda Pastor Stephen Volante was full of praise for the first Lady for the gesture, which has been consistent for more than eight years. A similar presentation was made at Let Kids Smile in Nkoranza. 
The First Lady and her team later moved to Tamale Children’s home.

One by one the First Lady interacted with children of the home and the staff as well. There were giggles and laughter all around. That is what the presence of the First Lady brings each time she visits the home.
Though the Tamale children's home is a government funded, the First Lady continues to support the home. Apart from the food items, a dormitory block facilitated by her Foundation, is nearing completion is under construction.

Home Supervisor Augustina Quainoe says the gesture by the First Lady is immeasurable. Anfaani Children's home was the next point of call. Most of the children brought there are as little as one week old.  The children are victims of abandonment and those whose mothers died at birth.

One distressing challenge facing the home is that when family members bring the babies there they cease coming to the home to check up on them.

Those who also do visit don’t do so regularly. This is a source of worry to them but staffs of the home say they are managing with the support from the First Lady.

This home one may say is emotionally attached to the First Lady Lordina Mahama. Reason being that it is made up of only babies and for her at such tender age more needs to be done to take care of them. One by one she checked up on all the children in the home and those sleeping in baby cots while carrying some of them.

This motherly love exhibited by the First Lady left staff of the home in awe as they look on. Mohammed Abdul Razak administrator of the home together with another eleven people manages the home. He was short of words for the First Lady.

According to him words cannot express how thankful the home is to the First Lady.

The First Lady who also provided new sets of baby cots for the children at Anfaani, pledged her continuous support for the children.